Creating indexes in Parallel
Creating Indexes in Parallel
Multiple processes can work simultaneously to create an index. By dividing the work necessary to create an index among multiple server processes, Oracle Database can create the index more quickly than if a single server process created the index sequentially.
Parallel index creation works in much the same way as a table scan with an ORDER BY clause. The table is randomly sampled and a set of index keys is found that equally divides the index into the same number of pieces as the DOP. A first set of query processes scans the table, extracts key-rowid pairs, and sends each pair to a process in a second set of query processes based on key. Each process in the second set sorts the keys and builds an index in the usual fashion. After all index pieces are built, the parallel coordinator simply concatenates the pieces (which are ordered) to form the final index.
Parallel local index creation uses a single server set. Each server process in the set is assigned a table partition to scan and for which to build an index partition. Because half as many server processes are used for a given DOP, parallel local index creation can be run with a higher DOP. However, the DOP is restricted to be less than or equal to the number of index partitions you want to create. To avoid this limitation, you can use the DBMS_PCLXUTIL package.
You can optionally specify that no redo and undo logging should occur during index creation. This can significantly improve performance but temporarily renders the index unrecoverable. Recoverability is restored after the new index is backed up. If your application can tolerate a window where recovery of the index requires it to be re-created, then you should consider using the NOLOGGING clause.
The PARALLEL clause in the CREATE INDEX statement is the only way in which you can specify the DOP for creating the index. If the DOP is not specified in the parallel clause of CREATE INDEX, then the number of CPUs is used as the DOP. If there is no PARALLEL clause, index creation is done serially.
When creating an index in parallel, the STORAGE clause refers to the storage of each of the subindexes created by the query server processes. Therefore, an index created with an INITIAL of 5 MB and a DOP of 12 consumes at least 60 MB of storage during index creation because each process starts with an extent of 5 MB. When the query coordinator process combines the sorted subindexes, some extents might be trimmed, and the resulting index might be smaller than the requested 60 MB.
When you add or enable a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint on a table, you cannot automatically create the required index in parallel. Instead, manually create an index on the desired columns, using the CREATE INDEX statement and an appropriate PARALLEL clause, and then add or enable the constraint. Oracle Database then uses the existing index when enabling or adding the constraint.
Multiple constraints on the same table can be enabled concurrently and in parallel if all the constraints are in the ENABLE NOVALIDATE state. In the following example, the ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE CONSTRAINT statement performs the table scan that checks the constraint in parallel: