Creating High Self Esteem Will Transform Your Life

Creating High Self Esteem Will Transform Your Life

By Barbara Rose, PhD

“Self esteem is the foundation from which a life can be fully lived. Belief is Self is paramount to realize your goals and make the profound difference you came into this life to make. Self truth is the core foundation of Self Esteem.”

“If you are complaining about your life, immediately stop. Complaints will get you nowhere. In one moment you can make the decision to create the life you really want to live. All it takes is a decision, backed by inspired action and follow through. Remember that in the seeds of our deepest despair lies the keys to creating the transformation we want to see. Use your adverse circumstances as a springboard from which you summon up the determination to turn it all around completely. No one else can do this for you. This is why you are in this life – to grow, evolve, transform and make a difference. Start with making that difference for yourself then you will feel inspired to help others who are in the shoes you were once in. Start by making that decision now.”

“If you wish to better your life, then you must release all belief that by so doing you will be a better person. The key is in knowing that you are a supreme being just as you are and that “bettering your life” is just a means of self-expression. It is your divine expression to live according to your grandest preferences–not because it will make you better but because you are serving as a result of discovering and expressing the best you have within you.”

“You are here to experience yourself, not ‘fix’ yourself. You are not broken and you do not need to be fixed!”

“Whoever put you down during your life lied to you.

Your outer achievements or failures never constitute your REAL worth as a human being. All you are comes from your heart. All you will ever be you were already born to be. It’s all inside of you, NOW. Take a good look into your heart and when you find the goodness that’s already there you will know that all you need to do to feel better is to bring out all of that goodness already within you.”

“The people who laugh at you, the ones who ridicule you, are the precise people who do not have the courage to live up to their highest potential. View them with loving compassion while you simultaneously stop telling them your business. If there is someone in your life who is not fully supportive of you, you certainly do not need that person in your life. Start being your own greatest support system by removing yourself from unsupportive people.”

? Copyright 2003, 2019 By Barbara Rose, PhD All Rights Reserved. Excerpt re-printed with permission from the book Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth and Your Life Published by The Rose Group (April 17, 2003) ISBN-13: 9780974145709.


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