Creating a high-performance culture
Anup Chakraborty
I help my customers engage their people through personalised learning experiences and ensure measurable results without overwhelming work schedule ~ Talent Engagement & Development Practitioner | Making Learning Engaging
Today’s organizations face many challenges when it comes to building their culture whether they are aiming to create a culture that is more inclusive, more innovative, more adaptable, more compliant or more digitally savvy. Culture is key to unlocking an organization’s greatest potential, yet senior leaders often struggle to identify and leverage the functional aspects of their organization’s culture so its power can enhance their brand, improve business results and fulfill their organization’s purpose.
Last week I came across a report on “Building a culture that drives performance” by Gallup which says that successful organizations make a compelling brand promise to their customers a commitment to quality, a standard of service, etc. that differentiates them from the competition. Without a compelling brand promise that motivates customers, culture also seems undefined and feels uninspiring, making it unlikely that it will significantly affect business performance. The world’s most successful enterprises clearly define, consistently execute and effectively align their culture throughout their organization, inspiring high commitment from employees. This approach to culture attracts talented employees and inspires them to consistently deliver on the organization’s brand promise to its customers.
To conclude, many organizations identify “customer centricity” as part of their goals. But the ways they can achieve customer centricity vary tremendously by industry, market segment, product or service offering, and other variables. So, on a journey toward customer centricity, limiting measurement to standard items promotes only the most generic changes. It provides no gauge of progress toward a differentiated and valuable customer proposition.