Creating Greater Value: When saying  NO builds trust better than a YES

Creating Greater Value: When saying NO builds trust better than a YES

Are you a "yes" person??Do you somehow feel compelled to say "yes" to a client, a boss, a colleague all the time because doing otherwise, i.e. pushing back or saying "no", might rock the relationship??Then you might be setting yourself up for failure and misery.

Being known as a "yes" person in an organization is not necessarily a bad thing.?You might even make a name for yourself as a "model employee" with consistent acts of selflessness and looking after the interests of other people -- particularly your clients -- ahead of your own.?But selfless acts, when done just for the sake of it or out of dependence on "pleasing the other person" can also lead to a loss of trust and ultimately, to a toxic relationship. The other person might even "devalue" your relationship as they begin to see you as just another "order taker" rather than a trusted advisor or partner.

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What you need to demonstrate then, more than selflessness, is "selfless independence".?

In a nutshell, selfless independence is being able to tell someone what they NEED to hear, rather than what they WANT to hear. If you're in a client-facing role, for example, it means you are intensely focused on and dedicated to your clients' goals, problems and needs as if they were your own.?

But you are also "independent" from them -- intellectually, emotionally, and even financially. It's being able to tell them "I only have your best interests in mind, so I will tell you what you NEED to hear, even if it's the hard truth, so that you can get to where you WANT to be."??

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Sometimes, it entails pushing back on what a client wants and saying "No" if that's in their best interests.?But how do you approach somebody who's already made up his or her mind on something and say "No" to them in a way that builds greater trust in the relationship rather than damages it??How are you going to frame this conversation?

There are three steps to frame such a conversation, and each step requires a different set soft skills.?They are: (1) Empathy; (2) Subject Matter Expertise; and (3) Ability to see and communicate the "Big Picture", which are all essential for you to be able to demonstrate the value of "selfless independence."??

In our next round of articles, we shall examine each step and provide concrete examples on how to demonstrate them in a real-work scenario.?Empathy, Subject Matter Expertise and "Big Picture" thinking are all traits that create greater value and help move you up the value chain in the eyes of others, whether it's a client, a boss or a colleague!??

Stay tuned and follow CGL CGL Consulting Co., Ltd for more insights on #creatinggreatervalue as part of your #2022goals and to keep abreast of #China's exciting #talentmarket!

I was a yes person, probably. Learnt to say NO. Life's much better now.


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