Creating graphs with ChatGPT

Creating graphs with ChatGPT.

chatGPT does text, and only text. But it can be used for graphs too. By writing the code for the graphs rather than drawing them, in a programming language for graphs. There several such languages but in the below we'll just be using Latex since it is among the most capable.?


Please write the latex code for a flowchart that starts with "I believe this" and proceeds to a sequence of question-boxes, each labelled with the following

"Do the leading experts in the field agree with me ?"

"Do any scientists in related fields agree with me ?"

"Does someone with academic qualifications agree with me ?"

"Does a celebrity agree with me ?"

"Is there a podcast that agrees with me ?"

For each box a "no" answer takes you to the next box in the sequence. A "yes" takes you to a box labelled "I am right".

The last no-arrow points to a box labelled "you are wrong"

Separate all boxes and lines clearly. Make the yes and no arrows start at the corners.


This produces the following latex code


\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, auto]

??? % Define block and decision styles
??? \tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!15,
 ?? text width=6em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=3em]
??? \tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill=blue!15,

??? text width=6em, text badly centered, node distance=2cm, inner sep=0pt]
??? \tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
??? % Nodes
??? \node [block] (start) {I believe this};
??? \node [decision, below = 1cm of start] (experts) {Do leading experts in the field agree?};
??? \node [decision, below = 1cm of experts] (scientists) {Do any scientists in other fields agree?};
??? \node [decision, below = 1cm of scientists] (academics) {Does anyone with academic qualifications agree?};
??? \node [decision, below = 1cm of academics] (celebrity) {Does a celebrity agree with me?};
??? \node [decision, below = 1cm of celebrity] (podcast) {Is there a podcast that agrees with me?};
??? \node [block, right = 3cm of experts] (right) {I am right};
??? \node [block, left = 2cm of podcast] (wrong) {You are wrong};

??? % Lines
??? \path [line] (start) -- (experts);
??? \path [line] (experts) -- node {yes} (right);
??? \path [line] (experts) -- node {no} (scientists);
??? \path [line] (scientists) -- node {yes} (right);
??? \path [line] (scientists) -- node {no} (academics);
??? \path [line] (academics) -- node {yes} (right);
??? \path [line] (academics) -- node {no} (celebrity);
??? \path [line] (celebrity) -- node {yes} (right);
??? \path [line] (celebrity) -- node {no} (podcast);
??? \path [line] (podcast) -- node {yes} (right);
??? \path [line] (podcast) -- node {no} (wrong);

Pasting this latex code into a window at gets us this

No alt text provided for this image

This is not half-bad, but it looks a bit plain

Let's try this with some color.

Please write the latex code for a flowchart that starts with a box labeled "I believe this"
and proceeds to a sequence of question-boxes, each labeled with the following
"Do the leading experts in the field? agree with me ?"?
"Do any scientists in other fields agree with me ?"?
"Does someone with academic qualifications agree with me ?"
"Does a celebrity agree with me ?"
"Is there a podcast that agrees with me ?"

For each question-box a "no" answer takes you to the next box in the sequence. A "yes" takes you to a box labeled "I am right".?

For the last question-box the no-arrow points to a box labeled "you are wrong"
Separate all boxes clearly.?

Make all the question boxes the color of Aureolin;
Make all the question boxes square shaped
Place all the question boxes 3 cm apart

Make the start box the color of Azure
Make and the end boxes the color Bitter lemon.

Place the "I believe this"-box on the top,far-left.?
Place the "you are wrong"-box on the lower far-right.
Place the "I am right"-box in the center.?

Allign all question boxes vertically
Make all arrows straight

Add caption "internet epistemology"?        

No alt text provided for this image

Better. Now, add a caption.

No alt text provided for this image

Please write the latex code for a flowchart that starts with a box labeled "I believe this"
and proceeds to a sequence of question-boxes, each labeled with the following
"Do the leading experts in the field? agree with me ?"?
"Do any scientists in other fields agree with me ?"?
"Does someone with academic qualifications agree with me ?"
"Does a celebrity agree with me ?"
"Is there a podcast that agrees with me ?"
For each question-box a "no" answer takes you to the next box in the sequence. A "yes" takes you to a box labeled "I am right".?
For the last question-box the no-arrow points to a box labeled "you are wrong"
Separate all boxes clearly.?
Make all the question boxes the color of Aureolin;
Make all the question boxes square shaped
Place all the question boxes 3 cm apart
Make the start box the color of Azure
Make and the end boxes the color Bitter lemon.
Place the "I believe this"-box on the top,far-left.?
Place the "you are wrong"-box on the lower far-right.
Place the "I am right"-box in the center.?
Align all question boxes vertically
Make all arrows straight
Add caption "internet epistemology"        

One thing to note about using chatGPT is that it is rate-limited. Simply chatting away until the desired output is achieved will eat up the allocation. It is therefore best to as far as possible write out the request as fully as possible, right way.

