Creating Extraordinary Virtual Teams: Best Practices for Working From Home [PART 3 / 4]
We live in a world of video conferencing now, and some of us are naturally better at it than others. Even if you’re uncomfortable with video conferencing at first, rest assured you will get used to it.
The first rule of meetings is to ask whether a meeting is even required in the first place. When they are needed, here are few tips we’ve learned along the way to make virtual meetings as productive as possible.
- Preparation - For every meeting, think PPO: Purpose, Preparation and Outcome. Let everyone know why you are meeting by providing an agenda ahead of time. Come prepared for every meeting with an intention to add something valuable to the conversation. At the outset of every call, whether it is expressly stated or not, decide the outcome you wish to have happen as a result of the meeting.
- Timeliness - Set a policy for when meetings begin (whether on the dot, or five minutes after the call time) and have the courtesy and professionalism to show up on time. No one should need to chase you down or wait for you to figure out how to turn on your microphone.
- Video On - Having cameras turned on as a general rule makes a huge difference in the engagement of meeting participants. Get close to the camera so your face fills the screen and look into the camera so others see you speaking directly to them. Make sure your lens is clean and you look presentable. Also, no eating on camera!
- Audio Check - Invest in a high quality headset, bluetooth headphones or speaker. We’re big fans of the Jabra line of speakers.
- Backchannel On - Depending on the nature of the meeting, it’s useful to have messaging conversations going in real-time, whether through the conferencing platform or Slack. Conversations could be with the whole group or one individual who may be able to provide helpful information when it’s your turn to talk -- just don’t mix the two up!
Virtual meetings can be extremely productive and efficient when these features and techniques are put into practice. More importantly, video conferencing is an important point of connection for team members using it effectively for communication is a hallmark of extraordinary virtual teams.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Check back here for the next installment of this four-part series.