Creating = Expressing (and Exposing) Your Inner Being
Shannah White
Relationship Coach - Helping people who want to show up fully for love to create heartfelt connection & intimacy in their relationship with ease
Anything we create shares with the world our inner experience of self. In fact, anything we do, shares our inner self, whether we intend to or not.
The first time I noticed this was back in 1996 when I was at an equestrian college. I spent three months not riding at all and just observing other students riding. I noticed that particular students kept coming up against the same “behavioral problems” in their mount over and over again, even with DIFFERENT horses.
One student always managed to wind up with a horse that bucked, no matter which horse she rode. And the horses she rode didn’t buck with other students.
I observed the reason why was because her fear and uncertainty registered in her body posture, including pitching her body forward a little and positioning her hands perpetually tight and close to her body.
So she was asking the horse to go forward by squeezing her legs; but her weight and hands were blocking the horse from going forward. Eventually, the horse would get frustrated and start bucking.
Now, this student was mentally clear that she wanted the horse to go forward… and emotionally aligned with that as well… even emotionally desperate for the horse to go forward. But her fear was adding control dynamics to the mix that caused the deterioration of her communication and the relationship.
People think that what they keep inside themselves and don’t tell anyone about, has no outward effects. But everything that goes on inside us, makes a footprint in the sand wherever we walk.
For this reason, if you want to experience a beautiful life in all aspects:
- feeling peaceful and right with yourself
- relationships characterized by satisfyingly real & peaceful communication and sustainable joy & intimacy
- abundance that flows without force
- meaningful work that feels authentic to your soul
...then finding how to walk in alignment with Love energy within yourself is hugely important.
When we align with the Love energy available to us deep within, all aspects of our inner experience come into balance and integration with that Love energy and with each other.
Love energy is a universal vibration that organizes harmony, joy, ease, and freedom wherever Its presence is felt.
Walking in alignment with Love energy within, aligns our whole being to function in harmonious unity. This cleans up our communication so we can express clearly, with one voice.
Whereas, when we operate from our head, we can have sparring sentiments active within us, like that rider whose objective was to get the horse to move forward and yet whose fear was holding the horse back.
Additionally, the energies of Love and fear are mutually exclusive. You simply can’t experience both at the same time. And where fear wants to force and control and get, Love inspires and allows and gives.
So fear will compel us to behaviors that degrade relationships, whereas Love rebalances us to a mode of operating that fertilizes our inner being and our expressions with the characteristics that bring the best of life into manifest expression.
This is why alignment with Love energy is the most fundamental keystone of the transformational work I guide people through, and one of the first awareness skills we work on together.