Creating An Executive Life Part 3 - Make Eating Easy
Jorden Pagel
The last health coach you'll ever need. | I help business leaders and executives build 6-Figure Health. SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter for monthly workouts, resources, and strategies to help YOU create 6-Figure Health ??
Do you want to know how to eat to help create an Executive Life?
Most people - regardless of their goal - look at the nutrition changes needed to meet that goal, as temporary.
But if you want to accomplish those goals and sustain them - be it dropping 20 pounds of fat, adding 10 pounds of muscle, or being healthy for the rest of your life - you can’t hope to achieve permanent progress with temporary changes.
If you want to look and feel great for the rest of your life, you have to change?how?(not what) you eat for the rest of your life.
We’ve spent the past couple of newsletters discussing the first three pillars of?Health First Fitness, and showing you how to set the foundation of a sustainable, long-term successful plan
Today, it’s time to get into the meat and potatoes of that plan - literally. Because now we need to start talking about what that actually looks like, with the fourth pillar of an Executive Life Transformation:
1. Lifestyle Assessment
2. Expectation Management
3. Habit Mastery
4. Simplified Nutrition
5. MED Training
How many times have you found yourself searching out the “best” diet?
One that would finally help you lose that extra pudge hanging over your waistline?
To finally help you pack on pounds of lean muscle?
Or where you could do all the above without feeling restricted?
Here’s the truth: The best diet isn’t found through Google searches. It’s not found in books or magazines..
The best diet - one that helps you improve your health and body composition, while still allowing you to eat the foods you enjoy -?is found through experience.
Whenever people inquire about working with me, this is something I want to get across to them early on:
Yes, you can get some good results in a couple of months if you nail compliance with your program. But to truly learn, gain the understanding, and build the habits you need to maintain those results, it takes 6-12 months minimum. And if you ask my clients who have been with me for 1, 2, or 3 years, they’ll tell you they’re still learning every day.
If you want to make significant changes to your body and health, your sustainable nutrition approach shouldn’t have an end date. If it does, you’re setting yourself up for failure before you even start.
Instead, your plan needs to focus on making simple, small, incremental changes that you can sustain for life, while discovering how given foods fit with your goals, health, and lifestyle.
We do this by tracking macros, yes. Because tracking macros is a way of guaranteeing your success, while also teaching you the skills and habits you need to NOT track macros later on—which is the goal we’re working towards.
The other thing you gain from tracking macros for a while is awareness around food that most people don’t have, and never will.?And it’s this awareness that allows you to make informed decisions about what and how much to eat, every single day, at every single meal WITHOUT tracking macros.
And all without feeling restricted or miserable either.
It doesn’t stop there though. Macro counting provides the base for both making short-term progress AND developing long-term awareness.
However, a simple, flexible, sustainable diet is about more than awareness and aesthetic progress.
It’s about properly fueling your body through high-quality foods that provide the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy without having to resort to 27 bottles of supplements in your cupboard.
It’s about avoiding or limiting foods that cause issues like mindless snacking, binging, bloating, or indigestion.
It’s about not eating something just because it fits your macros, but rather because it actually benefits you, your body, and your health.
It’s about focusing on what matters most - consistency - not tracking every single tic tac, a tablespoon of ketchup, or french fry on your plate like a neurotic food maniac.
This is the basis of?Simplified Nutrition. Building a simple plan that improves awareness, enjoyment, and results all at the same time.
And more importantly, for life.
This isn't a newsletter aimed at telling you how to create or set up your own nutrition plan - that's best done with a coach where you can assess your individual needs.
The goal of this newsletter - and all the previous ones - is to help you identify what to look for in a plan or program. Because I only want you doing this once. I want you to accomplish your goals and develop the skills you need to maintain them for life. I don't want you cycling through program after program, trying and failing to reach your goals because the plan wasn't built correctly around you.
I want you to know what to look for in a plan, what that plan should be giving you, and what you should be getting out of it.
And most importantly, I want you to understand that that plan doesn't 'end'. It simply evolves with you, conforming to where you are in your life, and what you want to accomplish.
That's how you eat to accomplish your health and fitness goals, and to build your Executive Life.
Until next time,
Coach Jorden