Creating a custom EE for AWX

Creating a custom EE for AWX

This is a quick and rough guide to creating and consuming a custom execution environment (EE) in AWX.

What You'll Need [ what I use ]

  • Somewhere to build the EE [ Mac Big Sur ]
  • Docker installed and running locally [ Docker Desktop - docker 20.10.5 ]
  • python3 [ 3.9.2 ]
  • An Image Registry [ free account ]
  • AWX [ 19.0.0 on minikube 1.19.0 ]

Setup ansible-builder

Create a new clean python venv:

mkdir ~/ansible-builder && cd ~/ansible-builder
python -m venv builder
source builder/bin/activate

Install the components:

pip install ansible
pip install ansible-builder==

Create the config:

cat execution-environment.yml

version: 1
  galaxy: requirements.yml
  python: requirements.txt
  system: bindep.txt

    - RUN alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3
    - COPY /usr/bin/receptor /usr/bin/receptor
    - RUN mkdir -p /var/run/receptor
    - ADD /
    - CMD /
    - USER 1000 
    - RUN git lfs install

cat requirements.yml
  - community.general

cat requirements.txt


cat bindep.txt

python38-devel [platform:rpm compile]
subversion [platform:rpm]
subversion [platform:dpkg]
git-lfs [platform:rpm]

cat context/

#! /bin/bash
ansible-runner worker --private-data-dir=/runner

chmod +x context/

Build the EE Image

ansible-builder build --tag --context ./context --container-runtime docker

Running command:
  docker build -f ./context/Dockerfile -t ./context
Running command:
  docker run --rm -v /Users/pgriffit/ansible-builder/builder/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible_builder:/ansible_builder_mount:Z python3 /ansible_builder_mount/
Running command:
  docker build -f ./context/Dockerfile -t ./context
Complete! The build context can be found at: /Users/pgriffit/ansible-builder/context

We should now have a container image:

docker images | grep awx-custom-ee   latest    94cb5bb21c61   33 minutes ago   701MB

Push this to

docker push
The push refers to repository []

Setting Up AWX Environment

Login to AWX, as per the installation instructions:

open `minikube service awx-service --url`

login as ---> admin
password ---> minikube kubectl -- get secret awx-admin-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode

Add a new EE under Administration -> Execution Environments:

No alt text provided for this image

Now we can consume it via a Job Template:

No alt text provided for this image

See what's happening through the normal Jobs output:

No alt text provided for this image

Hope that helps!

Troubleshooting Issues

Some tips on what to check if things aren't working quite as they should!

minikube kubectl get events

This will often show you why an image pull hasn't worked. Might be user error in setting up (!), permissions on the registry:

22m         Warning   Failed      pod/awx-job-35-9f7pg   Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

6m19s       Warning   Failed      pod/awx-job-37-hvgqk   Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

You want to see this:

2m58s       Normal    Scheduled   pod/awx-job-39-m5dhd   Successfully assigned default/awx-job-39-m5dhd to minikube
2m58s       Normal    Pulling     pod/awx-job-39-m5dhd   Pulling image ""
2m52s       Normal    Pulled      pod/awx-job-39-m5dhd   Successfully pulled image "" in 5.815670096s
2m52s       Normal    Created     pod/awx-job-39-m5dhd   Created container worker
2m51s       Normal    Started     pod/awx-job-39-m5dhd   Started container worker
2m47s       Normal    Killing     pod/awx-job-39-m5dhd   Stopping container worker

If the job is just hanging/pending/running forever in the AWX console, then use the above in the first instance.

To check overall status, use:

minikube kubectl get all
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/awx-b5f6cf4d4-fjnj6           4/4     Running   28         13d
pod/awx-operator-f768499d-267tg   1/1     Running   8          13d
pod/awx-postgres-0                1/1     Running   7          13d

NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
service/awx-operator-metrics   ClusterIP   <none>        8383/TCP,8686/TCP   13d
service/awx-postgres           ClusterIP   None             <none>        5432/TCP            13d
service/awx-service            NodePort     <none>        80:32556/TCP        13d
service/kubernetes             ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP             13d

NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/awx            1/1     1            1           13d
deployment.apps/awx-operator   1/1     1            1           13d

NAME                                    DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/awx-b5f6cf4d4           1         1         1       13d
replicaset.apps/awx-operator-f768499d   1         1         1       13d

NAME                            READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/awx-postgres   1/1     13d

Your pod names will be different! But you should see the first 3 running. If not, then there is something wrong with your deployment. One is for the database, another the operator. Note that the 'main' worker is covered by 'pod/awx-b5f6cf4d4-fjnj6' above and is 4/4. This is a replica set and contains 4 containers - redis, awx-web, awx-task, and awx-ee.

To look at the logs for each container, use:

minikube kubectl logs awx-b5f6cf4d4-fjnj6 awx-ee <-- replace with whatever container you want to see, awx-web, awx-task, awx-ee

This is only really for deeper dive technical runtime type issues.

Himanshu K.

infrastructure project manager

1 年

Phil Griffiths we need awx installation using k8s hassel free on redhat, using awx operater still get issues and need one click installation also separate postgres container as service after awx install is a big headache, it's not upgrade on current version, can you pls take this feedback and improve awx upcoming version ? Instead of brain storming on playbooks we spend time to install and upgrade awx on different environment and it's killing our time

ayyappa kancharla

Senior software engineer at Intuit

1 年

Thankyou for the document! i spun up awx with default latest images fromm quay and i made my custom awx-ee image following this doc though whenn i try to do docker run with my custom image , i was getting error like below {"status": "error", "job_explanation": "Failed to JSON parse a line from transmit stream."} {"eof": true} some one already mentioned this is normal so update directly in tower GUI execution environment which i did but qus is my container inside pod is stil holding default awx-ee image not my custom one, my req is i want to able to update /etc/resolv.cong pointing to my internal DNS NS and fetch inventory scrpts and templates from internal github which im not able to do from default image as i dont have access sudo access or not able to customize default image. anyone's help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanskyou!

Rafael Briceno

System Administrator - Team Cymru

2 年

Has anyone used this procedure with jfrog instead of

Jordi Bericat Ruz

Technical Services Engineer | BSc in Computer Science

2 年

Hello! Your tutorial is terrific, thanks a lot! Just, if you want to make it better, add the "ANSIBLE_RUNNER_IMAGE" environment var to the execution-environment.yml file, so we can use de Ansible build of our choice when creating the EE. For example, to create an AWX EE for Ansible 2.9 (latest), we can add: #cat execution-environment.yml --- version: 1 build_arg_defaults: ?ANSIBLE_RUNNER_IMAGE: '' dependencies: ?galaxy: requirements.yml ?python: requirements.txt ?system: bindep.txt additional_build_steps: ?append: ??- RUN alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3 ??- COPY /usr/bin/receptor /usr/bin/receptor ??- RUN mkdir -p /var/run/receptor ??- ADD / ??- CMD / ??- USER 1000? ??- RUN git lfs install All the images versions of ansible-runner are are available at and properly tagged: Cheers!

Debasish G.

GCP ACE, Redhat Ansible, IBM Cloud

2 年

Hello Phil Griffiths : THANKS A LOT for this article. I was trying to run a playbook on a docker based awx that uses the json_query module from collection community.general. But this collection was not part of the default AWX execution engine container. I was searching for a method to build a custom execution engine container image that would contain the collection community.general and the package "jmespath". I was able to create a custom execution engine taking reference from your article that worked perfectly for me. THANKs Again :)



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