Creating Custom Context Managers in Python

Creating Custom Context Managers in Python

Custom context managers are a powerful weapon of Python developers that allows you to manage resources and ensure their proper acquisition and release.

In this article post, we will explore the concept of context managers, their significance in Python, and how to create custom context managers tailored to your specific needs.

What Are Context Managers?

Context managers in Python provide a convenient way to manage resources, such as file handling or database connections. They ensure that resources are properly acquired and released, improving code readability and preventing resource leaks. The most common use of context managers is with the with statement.

Consider a simple example of file handling. When working with files, it is essential to open and close them properly to release system resources. Failing to close files can lead to memory leaks and other issues. Context managers simplify this process. Here's a basic example using the built-in file context manager:

Using a context manager for file handling

In this code, the with statement creates a context, which opens the file when entering the block and automatically closes it when exiting the block. Even if an exception occurs within the block, the file is guaranteed to be closed properly.

Built-in Context Managers

Python provides several built-in context managers, simplifying the management of various resources. These built-in context managers cover tasks such as file handling, network connections, and database transactions. For instance, the sqlite3 module offers a context manager for working with SQLite databases:

Another context manager for database access

This example, the sqlite3.connect context manager takes care of establishing the database connection and ensuring that it is properly closed when no longer needed.

Creating Custom Context Managers

While Python's built-in context managers are valuable, there are scenarios where custom context managers are beneficial. Custom context managers are user-defined classes that implement the __enter__ and __exit__ methods.

  1. __enter__ Method: This method is called when entering the with block and is responsible for setting up the context. It can perform tasks like resource initialisation.
  2. __exit__ Method: This method is executed when exiting the with block. It handles resource cleanup and any necessary teardown procedures. It also receives information about exceptions, allowing specific actions to be taken based on whether an exception occurred.

Measuring Execution Time

Let's create a custom context manager for measuring the execution time of a code block:

Measuring Execution Time using Context Manager Style

In this example, the Timer class serves as a custom context manager. When entering the with block, it records the start time, and upon exiting the block, it calculates the elapsed time and prints it. This simplifies the process of measuring execution time within the code block.

Do you know why I love python more and more? Because of these Dunder Methods which helps me to play with code with proper structure and I can take help from junior developers with assured quality with confidence for my customers.

Wondering what is Dunder Methods?

Those are special double-underscore methods which is used to define various operations and behaviours for custom classes. These methods are also known as "magic methods" or "special methods". They allow you to override default behaviours and customise how instances of your classes interact with operators and built-in functions. Here are some of the most commonly used dunder methods which I mostly use:

  1. __init__(self, ...): Obviously start with the constructor method, is called when a new instance of the class is created. It initialises the attributes of the object.
  2. __str__(self): This method returns a string representation of the object when you use the str() function or print() function on an instance. Again this is the most commonly used after __init__.
  3. __repr__(self): The "official" string representation of an object. This is what you see when you type an instance's name in the Python interpreter. I mostly target __str__ for user and __repr__ for developers. Let me know what you do?
  4. __len__(self): This method allows you to define the behavior of the len() function when called on an instance of the class.
  5. __getitem__(self, key): Used to define the behavior when you access an item using indexing, e.g., my_object[3].
  6. __setitem__(self, key, value): Defines the behavior when you assign a value to an item using indexing.
  7. __delitem__(self, key): Defines the behavior when you delete an item using indexing.
  8. __iter__(self): Used to define how instances of the class are iterable. Should return an iterator object.
  9. __next__(self): Defines the behavior of the iterator to retrieve the next value.
  10. __contains__(self, item): Allows you to use the in keyword to check if an item is in the object.
  11. __eq__(self, other): Used to define the behavior of the == operator for instances of the class.
  12. __ne__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the != operator.
  13. __lt__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the < operator.
  14. __le__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the <= operator.
  15. __gt__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the > operator.
  16. __ge__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the >= operator.
  17. __add__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the + operator.
  18. __sub__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the - operator.
  19. __mul__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the * operator.
  20. __truediv__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the / operator for division.
  21. __floordiv__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the // operator for floor division.
  22. __mod__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the % operator for modulo.
  23. __pow__(self, other): Defines the behavior of the ** operator for exponentiation.
  24. __str__ and __repr__: These methods are used to control how your objects are represented as strings.
  25. __enter__ and __exit__: These methods are used for context managers (e.g., in a with statement).

These dunder methods provide a way to customise and extend the behaviour of your classes to make them more powerful and intuitive to work with in your code. Depending on your use case, you may not need to define all of them, but knowing how to use them can be incredibly beneficial when creating custom classes. Bookmark this article and extend this article in comments below.


Custom context managers are a valuable tool in Python for simplifying resource management and enhancing code readability. By encapsulating resource-related logic, they make it easier to work with complex or repetitive operations. With custom context managers, you can tailor resource management to the specific needs of your project and improve code maintainability.


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