Creating a compelling future
The quote on my desk calendar caught my eye today. It said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it” by Abraham Lincoln.
The money plant resting on the calendar was just a perfect fit to this thought. This plant belongs to the category of climbers. A beautiful adaptable plant, it can grow indoors in water or outdoors in mud pots. The aerial roots can provide the necessary nutrients for it to sustain using air or moss. They are able to find any surface to take support and grow steadily. When the roots of such plants start penetrating the wall surfaces initially, they are soft and nimble. As they grow and thicken, they have the power to break the very wall that was once so much stronger and powerful.
In life, success at times depends on being able to adapt and find your way through, irrespective of the situation. Perseverance and self-belief are key ingredients, as patience gets tested time and again. The obstacles coming on the way, may at times feel like thick brick walls barring the path ahead. You may need to either go around it, sometimes over it or occasionally just smash right through it to move forward.
When we take on ourselves to take bold steps into the future, the outer environment ceases to have an impact. Situation one day could be deplorable and may look better just the very next day. If decisions are result of only outward circumstances, then we are in someway letting go of the control of our life and destiny. To actively design a life that we love, the anchor of the decisions needs to lie within.
When we consult our heart, that is when we can draw on our inner strength and can overcome any hardship. When internal alignment starts, the universe starts conspiring to bring us what we need to fulfill our dreams. The right people begin to show up in our life and provide the support required. The small gentle reminders, suddenly pop-up in front of our eyes from nowhere. Call it serendipity, call it luck-by-chance or synchronicity or any other name – things just fall in place!
During the career trajectory, tough circumstances may come your way multiple times. What is important is to learn from the failure, keep the lesson intact and discard any negative feelings attached. Keeping a steady mind and a happy heart, stepping forth with confidence is hugely helpful. Once you take full control of the steering wheel of your life, you can go on gently accelerating and achieve anything that you choose. If you feel stuck, stop overthinking, just take the first step …
#future; #leadership; #learning; #self-belief; #failure; #success; #serendipity