Creating Community
Mark Murphy
Legacy brand builder empowering brands, publishers, institutions, and storytellers to bring visionary ideas to life.
Practicing as an experienced design professional, I believe creating community is the most authentic way to expand your marketing and outreach.
So where do you start? By creating obtainable goals, doing things you alway, and planning a 4-month promotional schedule with major milestones. “No time like today to get started!”
Dreams begin with a published manifesto or singular sentence that captures the essence of your project at hand. This commitment to paper, sketchbook, or “digi-notations” makes your dream reality.
Planning might be more or less than the suggested time frame. Personally, I find that 3-week, or 3-month timespans are much easier to track progress. Believe me, dreams are much more obtainable in measurable doses. (Keep the stress in check! Check off weekly milestones! It will all come together!)
Immediately building community begins the day you send your first invitation. The opportunity to share your dream, realize your dream’s potential, and by including others to participate along your journey to success.
This article is a personal invitation for all of us to expand our community.
Please join me at the Figurative Futures art opening, Saturday, July 22 at 101/exhibit in Los Angeles, California. Here you will discover an exceptional group of artists; and an opportunity to expand your community on a historic night.
Feel free to connect and hope to see you soon.