Creating Clarity from Calmness Amidst All This Chaos

Creating Clarity from Calmness Amidst All This Chaos

Part of our “G.R.I.T. – Give, Recognize, Implement, Time: The path to empowerment and overcoming negativity!” series.

Does your slack window “blow up” non-stop? Perhaps even as you’re reading this? 

Does your task list look like a scribbled mess with cross-outs, added tasks, circled items, and even a second column as the first simply doesn’t cut it anymore?

Do you feel overwhelmed, scatter-brained, not able to focus, and like you’re buried underneath a never-ending waterfall of plates you have to juggle?


If you do, you’re not alone!!! This is one of the most common topics I find with my clients across all sectors right now! And, one I’ve experienced myself many times before!


Amidst all of this chaos, there is one constant we all search for…clarity. At the heart of which lies the question: “How do we even starting seeing a way forward and the light at the end of the tunnel?”  The first step to answering this question isn’t action, it’s giving ourselves permission to be human – recognizing the state we’re in and embracing it!

Once we are aware of AND embrace our feeling of being overwhelmed, thinking we can’t even make a dent, and acting very distractedly, we CAN create the path to the clarity we seek. The first step of which is to bring us back to a state of calmness. When we are calm, we can see clearly, we are relaxed (which releases physical stress from our bodies), and we function much more optimally! Creating this calmness for us is a choice, one which we ARE capable of making!

We can let what does not serve us bring us down, keep us frustrated, and running around like a headless chicken or, we can actively choose to create calmness through breathing, counting, walking a way for a moment, listening to music, and so much more! The ways to calmness for us are endless and all dependent on what works best for us. Actively choosing to take these steps to create calmness will lead us to prioritizing, delegating, and focusing more thoroughly and productively! And, each time we actively choose calmness, we build the confidence in ourselves to do it, as well as, a habit which DOES serve us!

The clarity to sift through all of our plates starts with calmness and ends with our ability to more easily see how our plates fit together, who is responsible for them, when they are due, how they connect with each other, and what we have to do ourselves versus what can be delegated.

Are you ready for some clarity in your life?! It IS possible! There IS a way to stop the plates from spinning, and there IS a way to reduce the number of plates you are juggling. Calmness brings clarity and clarity brings productivity!


Learn More About G.R.I.T. – Give, Recognize, Implement, Time & Find More Actions You Can Take Right NOW!

To learn more about our signature coaching approach which DOES help people all over the world stay focused, overcome, and achieve, please use the link below.


In some of our prior posts, we’ve included some easy clear-cut actions you can take right now to help overcome the challenges you are facing. Click on any or all of the links below to dive into easy small wins which lead you to success!

Give –

Recognize –

Implement –

Time –



Our Strive For More pledge to you during this time of crisis is:

“To provide free, short, simple, and actionable content to tackle the real challenges we are facing now.”


Want our help right now with creating clarity from chaos?

We’d love to hear from you! Click here to schedule a consultation with us here.


Steven Nathenson, ME, MODL, PCC的更多文章

