Creating a Brand from Zero: The 12 Jungian Archetypes | Analysis of the film Harry Potter - Videos

Creating a Brand from Zero: The 12 Jungian Archetypes | Analysis of the film Harry Potter - Videos

Are your past memories valuable for you? Can you create an emotional connection with a movie series you've watched or a book you've read? Maybe what I have said may apply to emotional people like me a little more, but certain symbols in my life always remind me of the past. Every moment that touches my life has always been precious to me. No matter how cheerful I seem to be, I am actually someone who has perhaps the most emotional nature.

Emotions, longings, and memories all have a certain effect on me. In fact, in most of my articles you read, I always examine my own thoughts and behavior at first. How influenced can I be or what does a brand associate with me? 

As a matter of fact, perhaps the weakest point of human beings is the emotions. Love, longing, hatred, anger ... How realistic feelings are they? Well, would you believe me if I told you that the brand world is always formed by blending these emotions?

Or let me ask you another question ... How can you characterize the person you love? Is he funny, decent, smart, romantic, but also indecisive? So brands are characterized in this way. A brand is an inanimate symbol that is animated by the qualities that we give it. In other words, when we create a brand, we decide how society will value our brand.

For brands that come to life with our touch, the most important thing is to consider the target audience, concept and positioning of the brand when we choose the characteristics. To be more precise, all the topics I have listed and the characteristic features of the brand should form an integrity. So what is the name of the characteristic features of the brands?

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Carl Gustav Jung - Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist. In 1906-1913 worked with Z. Freud, who later moved away from classical psychoanalysis. He created his own analytical psychology based on the use of analogies from mythology in the analysis of dreams. As a result of many years of clinical observations, Jung came to the conclusion that not only the individual, but also the collective unconscious plays an essential role in the human psyche, the content of which is represented by archetypes inherited from ancestors. Studying the dreams and fantasies of his patients, Jung discovered in them images and ideas that did not fit into the experience of a person within the framework of one life.

The most surprising thing was that this layer of the unconscious was associated with mythical and religious themes that are present even in cultures that are very distant from each other. This is how archetypes were discovered ( from the Greek "arche" - "beginning" and "typos" - "image") - powerful psychic prototypes hidden in the depths of the unconscious, innate universal ideas, initial models of perception, thinking and experience. 

According to the latest research in the field of neurophysiology, physical chemistry and cybernetics, the human psyche is a system for processing external and internal information. Jung identified several types of information perception: logical and figurative (emotional), sensory (emphasis on the organs of perception) and intuitive (emphasis on imagination). In addition, he introduced two attitudes of the human psyche: extraversion (the motivating force belongs, first of all, to the object, attention is mainly directed outside, to objects of the external world) and introversion (a person, first of all, draws motivation from the inside, attention is mainly directed inward, to the subject ). In other words, mental attitudes show how we interact with the world around us and where we direct energy.

Jung showed that archetypes are a reflection of people's need for certain "information" (in the broadest sense of the word). This made it possible to describe a set of basic archetypes as a combination of types of perception and psychological attitudes. Each person has all these needs, and therefore basic archetypes, but their priority is individual. Here are examples of an extended description of the manifestation of basic archetypes in the character and behavior of people:

The 12 Jungian Archetypes:

1) The Sage - Knowledgeable, trusted wisdom and intelligence, thoughtful, mentor, guru, advisor ( Google )

2) The Innocent - Strives to be good, pure, young, optimistic, simple ( Coca Cola )

3) The Jester - Fun, sense of humor, light-hearted ( Ikea )

4) The Caregiver - Caring, maternal, nurturing, selfless, generous (Heinz )

5) The Lover - Passionate, sensual, intimate, romantic, warm ( Godiva )

6) The Magician - Imaginative, idealistic, spiritual ( Apple )

7) The Ruler - Leader, responsible, organized, role model ( Microsoft )

8) The Creator - Creative, imaginative, artistic, inventive, entrepreneur ( Lego )

9) The Explorer - Adventurous, ambitious, individualistic, independent ( Red Bull )

10) The Outlaw - Iconoclastic, wild, paving the way for change ( Harley-Davidson)

11) The Hero - Honorable, strong, confident, inspirational ( Duracell )

12) The Regular Guy - Supportive, faithful, folksy, connects with others ( Ebay )

Analysis of the film Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a series of films based on the Harry Potter books by English writer J.K. Rowling. The series is published by Warner Bros. and consists of 8 films in the fantasy genre, including the main series - from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (2001) and ending with "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the seventh and final book and the only one in the series to be split into two feature films. The first part was released in November 2010 and the second in July 2011.

Which movie comes to mind first when you talk about your childhood memories? Mine is undoubtedly the Harry Potter series. I always have a longing for the past in me. Therefore, each symbol reminds me of a certain period, a certain impression of the past. So does this only apply to me?

How we were looking forward to the premiere of the new episodes of this magical film ... For me, Harry Potter combines good memories of childhood, New Year's Eve and Christmas. But what all the same contributes to the fact that this film is still relevant?

As I noted, it is no exception that archetypes are widely used in cinematography. After all, how without it? Each character has certain properties, due to which it is easier to remember in the memory of the audience. Unlike current films, the Harry Potter Series encouraged young audiences to be brave, loyal, and valiant. This film kind of educated a generation that was able to understand the difference between good and evil, between courage and cowardice, between devotion in love to the very last breath.

What did J.K. Rowling want to teach us through the Harry Potter series?

We must fight to the last for good...

We must protect our friends to the last...

We must be Brave...

We must defend our rights...

We must keep in our hearts the bright memory of our loved ones, who have not been with us for a long time...

We must try to get to know the person, first to draw conclusions. After all, appearance is sometimes deceiving...

And love! The most faithful, purest. When, despite the loss, you keep your love in your heart to the last ... Without betraying it ...

Yes! It is these beautiful meanings that were hidden behind the series of Harry Potter films and of course, it cannot be denied that the HP is a brand.

So what archetypes were chosen for the characters in this movie? Let's look at this together.

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Professor Severus Snape - The Caregiver and The Lover

Who is your favorite character from this movie? For me, it's Professor Severus Snape. The archetype that fits him is the Caregiver. After all, this is exactly the character who actually defended Harry Potter until his last breath and at the end of the film was killed for it. 

That moment when Harry realised that the man he despised his whole life, was the only reason he was still alive.

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In addition, the Lover archetype also fits this character. Indeed, in the film, he symbolizes a character who loved Lily Potter to the last ... This was the purest, innocent love that could be presented to the viewer.

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Harry Potter - The Hero

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Of course, it's not worth thinking about this character for a long time. Harry Potter represents bravery and heroism. A character who was ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his loved ones.

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Hermione Granger - The Sage 

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How do we all remember Hermione? As a student of the Hogwarts School, who studied perfectly and always knew everything better than anyone. A kind of excellent student in the wizarding world ...

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Ron Weasley - The Jester and The Explorer

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In fact, at the beginning of the film, Ron acted as a character who only amused others and sometimes amused with stupidity. Explorer - Interestingly, it was in the last part of the Deathly Hallows movie that J.K. Rowling gave this character a slightly different quality. The character, who has always amused everyone with his stupidity and naivety, suddenly begins to draw the right conclusions in order to destroy the horcruxes (object formed by dark magic that is used by a wizard or witch in the Harry Potter series). Moreover, even in the last part of the film, special attention is paid to the moment when Hermione herself is amazed at Ron's ideas. Apparently, J.K. Rowling at the end of the film decided to leave a more positive impression on the audience in relation to this character.

Ron Weasley Funny Moments

Professor Albus Dumbledore – The Ruler

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Undoubtedly, it was Professor Dumbledore who was a wonderful leader and headmaster for the Hogwarts School and moreover ... He knew how to properly manage the masses.

As you can see, elements of psychology and psychoanalysis are again involved. In addition, archetypes are selected for each character, which create full compatibility with the film script and the book.

Emotions of People 

Emotions of people - The main tool that is used in this area. Also judging by the results, this method will be practiced for many years to come. Rowling gave each character certain qualities and created a magical world. The fairytale that made people disconnect from everyday life and get into a special world. 

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JK Rowling - The Creator

In the field of communications, it is very important to be the first to create something. Precisely the first... Based on this, Rowling personifies "The Creator" archetype. After all, it was Rowling who first created another world ... The world with which the generation of the 90's grew up. We have created a special emotional connection with this film, which will probably keep its little corner in our subconscious for the rest of our lives...

“Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” - JK Rowling


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