Creating a better life
Graham Price
Employee mental health training via quality animated videos to eliminate stress, worry, conflicts for individuals, organisations and employees to be at their best
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The life that we all lead is influenced by a number of things. Key among these are:
- The geography, family and circumstances that we’re born into
- Our experiences in life
- Our mindset
The last of these is by far the most significant. The other influences impact our lives, at least for a while, and can influence the way our mindset develops, but mindset drives our whole lives. We psychologists use the term ‘mindset’ to describe all the mainly unconscious beliefs and patterns that drive the way we think, feel and act all the time.
Our mindset may have been influenced by past experiences, including our upbringing and other early life experiences, but the prime determinant of mindset is the things we do in life, and this continues throughout our lives. This is good news as, if it was primarily our early life experiences, we’d be largely stuck with the mindset that’s been created by experiences we’ve already had.
But there’s an irony in the way behaviour influences mindset. I’ve said that our current mindset drives by our current behaviour. And I’ve said that over time our mindset is primarily influenced by our behaviour. So most people are caught in a vicious cycle of behaviour determining mindset which then determines behaviour.
The secret to changing and strengthening our mindset, and hence creating a better life, is to start behaving in ways not limited by our current mindset. This means learning better ways to think and behave and then often behaving ‘outside our comfort zone’. How to achieve this is the subject of a powerful 20 minute webinar, that can be found at, free to everyone, for now
Graham W Price
Chartered Psychologist, BPS, BABCP Accredited, Personal and Executive Coach, Development Trainer