Creating Assignments using Class Notebook Pages
Tony Phillips
Founder and CEO of Cloud Design Box. Helping schools, MATs and businesses to supercharge Microsoft 365, Teams and SharePoint.
Read the full blog post here:
Class Notebook has a really nice feature which allows teachers to distribute pages to student sections so that they can work on their own copy of the page. Since we originally looked at this in a previous blog post, Microsoft Teams now supports setting assignments using Class Notebook pages too.
Essentially there are two ways to do the same thing, so which should you choose? We would recommend only using Class Notebook to distribute pages if the work is informal (like class work) and we would recommend setting the assignment through Teams if it’s going to be marked (homework, assignments, etc).
The reason for this is you can collect formal marks and comments in the assignment app that you just can’t do through Class Notebook.
To set an assignment using a Class Notebook page:
Create a new assignment and add the Class Notebook page as a resource. Students will be able to have their own copy of the page that you select.
Select a section to push the page into when the student completes it.
Complete the rest of the assignment form and publish it.
When reviewing student work, you will have the option to annotate the Class Notebook page in addition to adding formal feedback and scores. This gives you the best of both worlds. Simple annotation and feedback on the student work but also a place for formal marks and comments which will become part of an exportable marksheet.