Creating Abundance...
Prakash Seshadri
Founder [See Change], Business 10X Growth Expert, "C" Suite Coach,Keynote Speaker, Helping Businesses Grow Exponentially
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In This Issue:
Quotes of the Week
Creating Abudance
Bookmark - The Leader in YOU
Inspirational Words
Spiritual Centre
Story Time
Time to Smile
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"Change Gears" eZine is a no-cost electronic newsletter dedicated to helping people be more effective and fulfilled--to be masters of change instead of victims of change. What follows are tips, strategies, quotes, resources and shortcuts to getting more done in less time and having fun in the process--to living a more productive and fulfilling life. We're always on the lookout for information to help you live and work more effectively.
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Quotes of the Week
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great" - Orison Swett Marden
"Non nobis solum nati sumus." (We are not born for ourselves alone.) - Marcus Tullius Cicero
Bookmark - The Leader in YOU
Author: Dale Carnegie
Price: Rs.110/-
Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., have shown success for centuries —This has been proved by a millions of satisfied graduates, 3, 000-plus enrollment chart per week and book sales, including the mega-bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People, totaling over thirty million copies. This book The Leader in You, coauthors Stuart R. Levine and Michael A. Crom speaks about the how regardless of the of his or her job, humans can harness creativity and enthusiasm to work more productively.
Taking deep understanding from the leading figures in the corporate, entertainment, sports, academic and political arenas and covering interviews and advices from important personalities like Lee Iacocca and Margaret Thatcher, this unique book talks about strategies to help you identify your leadership strengths, achieve your goals and increase your self-confidence, completely remove an “us vs. them” mentality, become a team player and strengthen cooperation among associates, balance work and leisure, control your worries and charge your life. This book would be a great buy for all and is available in paperback format on the Amazon site.
Creating Abundance
By Roberta A. Swartz
While much information has been written about the steps for participating in successful manifestation, some key elements that are less explored have to do with our attitudes, our beliefs and our perceptions. These unmeasurable, intangible parts of the human experience are the very ones that affect our relationship with the universal intelligence.
9 Perceptions for Creating Abundance
1. Focus on what is good - Learning to live in this way can be challenging, but with desire, awareness and practice we can each learn how to create a life of greater peace. First we must choose to live in trust rather than in fear. Then, when we become aware of those moments when fear takes its grip, we can remind our self that we have a choice. Rather than focusing on what is "bad" or "wrong" or "unfair" we can change how we think. I have lived a lifetime of creating meaningful outcomes with successful results even when all odds seemed to be against me by focusing on what is good. My husband and I trust that we are well supported and that everything turns out fine even when life throws us a curve ball.
2. Take action and let go with trust - The best approach for successful manifestation occurs when we have both faith in the life force to do its part AND we are willing to take action and do our part too. Much like a bird in flight, we must find a working balance between flapping our wings and knowing when to rest. This ebb and flow between taking action and letting go is founded in trust; trust in our self to do our best and trust in the life force to support our goal. This is similar to when we are young and we instinctively trust our parents to do what they say they will do. This intrinsic knowing demonstrates a different attitude of "Thanks for your help. I feel peaceful and I trust that my needs are met."
Although many people struggle to live in this way, the life force hasn't any ego interference and easily creates congruent responses that support the continuum of life. Just as we are more inclined to give to others when we know our efforts are received with joy and appreciation, the same holds true for the creative life force. An "attitude of gratitude" works to our advantage because it is a respectful and humble way to live.
3. There is always enough - Everything that is needed for our survival, for our happiness and for our desired experiences already exists. There is plenty for everyone. If you think about an apple, it contains many seeds within its core. Each one of these seeds can produce another apple tree. Apple trees grow and give forth a great many apples each year. This cycle of giving goes on and on.
Instead of living with fear and believing that there is not enough, our job is to receive and enjoy only as much as is needed. Rather than living excessively, the universe serves all of life with a natural flow of abundance that is just right.
4. Fear and worry block results - Fear and worry tend to evoke the "prove it to me attitude." What relationship can function smoothly under this kind of disrespectful pressure? Rather than needing proof, when we are grateful for what we already have, it opens the door for more to come. Keep in mind that the universal energy supports all of life. A deer doesn't worry about growing more fur for the winter. When we trust that the universe supports all of her creatures, including us, and we are humble and grateful for what we have then this opens the door for greater possibilities.
5. The universal intelligence is always ready to help - The natural connection that permeates all of life presents us with opportunities or answers, often in subtle, or disguised ways. We often refer to these moments as "coincidental." Our part is to be present, aware, and willing to listen or to step through the doors when these are presented. If you miss the chance, don't worry, it will be provided for you again.
6. Have kind intentions for the common good of all - The universal energy is happy to support you and your desires as long as these serve to make the world a better place. Even if you are seeking something for yourself, there is always some kind of impact that affects others. When you focus on creating common good with appreciation and humility and you are willing to do your part, you are more apt to influence the universal energy to support your cause and create a balanced relationship that supports positive results.
7. Universal time and ego time - Universal time is measured by our heartbeat. Ego time is measured by our logical mind. Perceptions of time can be tricky and tend to be based on how we feel in our current environment. The process of manifestation works best when we let go of ego time constraints and allow the magic to unfold. Heartfelt time is "the very best time for everyone involved." This is often different from what our ego mind wants. The same amount of universal time passes whether we trust and feel peaceful or whether we get trapped in feeling impatient and frustrated. Feeling peaceful supports health and vibrant life. Letting go of attachments to outcome including time-lines, demonstrates complete trust and confidence in knowing that our desires are realized. Again, we must be willing to participate in this dance and to do our part.
8. Nothing is ever as it appears to be - We are taught to believe that "seeing is believing" yet in truth we have it backwards. "What I believe creates how I see" is a much more accurate interpretation. Most people can relate to an experience when things appeared to be a certain way, yet with more time or information we learn that our perceptions were inaccurate. This has to do with focusing on the tangible world of effect rather than the unseen world of causation. It also reflects back to our own insecurities and subconscious patterns. Whenever you are in a moment of being judgmental or fearful, remind yourself that "Nothing is ever as it appears to be." You may be surprised at how different you feel. It can alter your responses as well as influence what happens next. One thing always leads to another.
9. Let go of judgments and find acceptance - Judgments are a man-made perspective. Many of our judgments come from past experiences and tend to be founded in whether or not we feel safe, accepted or validated. Perceived judgments can be mistaken for our intuitions which provide inner awareness for our survival. Remember that in the eyes of the universal energy, we are all the same and everything just is. Acceptance is a wonderful gift. When we live with love in our heart and we free our self of judgments, we open our self for receiving what is positive and uplifting.
In closing, I strongly believe that a new consciousness, one that is more evolved and constructive is emerging. When we make the choice to live with compassion, trust, love and appreciation for life and all that is, then we create increased good in our mind and body, in our life and ultimately in the world.
Inspirational Words
"In most cases the best outcome will happen if government gets out of the way and lets people pursue their own needs, interests and pleasures." - Adam Smith
"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Jung
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single movement before starting to improve the world." - Anne Frank
"Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - Susan Ertz
"Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness." - James Thurber
"In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these." - Paul Harvey
"Life is about making an impact, not making an income." - Kevin Kruse
Spiritual Centre - Obedience
We all say we love the Master. Then we must love everything that he tells us to do, and that is the real obedience. So love for the Master must be reflected in obedience.... And increasing love must be reflected in increasing obedience. And when that love is absolute, obedience must be absolute.
(C) Shri. Kamlesh D. Patel - President, Shri Ram Chandra Mission -
Story Time - The Heaven of 33
Once upon a time, when King Magadha was ruling in the land, there was a young noble called, 'Magha the Good'. He lived in a remote village of just 30 families. When he was young, his parents married him to a girl who had qualities of character similar to his own. They were very happy together, and she gave birth to several children.
The villagers came to respect Magha the Good because he always tried to help improve the village, for the good of all. Because they respected him, he was able to teach the five steps of training, to purify their thoughts, words and deeds.
Magha's way of teaching was by doing. An example of this happened one day when the villagers gathered to do handicraft work. Magha the Good cleaned a place for himself to sit. Before he could sit down though, someone else sat there. So he patiently cleaned another place. Again a neighbor sat in his place. This happened over and over again, until he had patiently cleaned sitting places for all those present. Only then could he himself sit in the last place.
By using such examples of patience, Magha the Good taught his fellow villagers how to cooperate with each other, without quarrelling. Working together in this way, they constructed several buildings and made other improvements that benefitted the whole village.
Seeing the worthwhile results of patience and cooperation, based on following the gentle ways of the Five Training Steps, all in the village became calmer and more peaceful. A natural side effect was that former crimes and wrong-doing completely disappeared!
You would think this would make everybody happier. However, there was one man who did not like the new situation at all. He was the head of the village, the politician who cared only about his own position.
Formerly, when there were murders and thefts, he handed out punishments. This increased his position of authority, and caused the villagers to fear him. When husbands or wives had affairs with others, the head man collected fines. In the same way, when reputations were damaged by lies, or contracts were not lived up to, he also collected fines. He even got tax money from the profits of selling strong liquor. He did not mind that drunkenness led to many of the crimes.
It is easy to see why the head man was upset to lose so much respect and power and money, due to the people living peacefully together. So he went to the king and said, "My lord, some of the remote villages are being robbed and looted by bandits. We need your help."
The king said, "Bring all these criminals to me."
The dishonest politician rounded up the heads of all 30 families and brought them as prisoners to the king. Without questioning them, the king ordered that they all be trampled to death by elephants.
All 30 were ordered to lie down in the palace courtyard and the elephants were brought in. They realized they were about to be trampled to death. Magha the Good said to them, "Remember and concentrate on the peacefulness and purity that come from following the Five Training Steps, so you may feel loving-kindness towards all. In this way, do not get angry at the unjust king, the lying head man, or the unfortunate elephants."
The first elephant was brought in by his mahout. But when he tried to force him to trample the innocent villagers, the elephant refused. He trumpeted as he went away. Amazingly, this was repeated with each of the king's elephants. None would step on them.
The mahouts complained to the king that this was not their fault. "It must be," they said, "that these men have some drug that is confusing the elephants."
The king had the villagers searched, but they found nothing. Then his advisers said, "These men must be magicians who have cast an evil spell on your mighty elephants!"
The villagers were asked, "Do you have such a spell?" Magha the Good said, "Yes we do." This made the king very curious. So he himself asked Magha, "What is this spell and how does it work?"
Magha the Good replied, "My lord king, we do not cast the same kinds of spells that others cast. We cast the spell of loving-kindness with minds made pure by following the Five Training Steps."
"What are these Five Training Steps?" asked the king. Magha the Good said, "All of us have given up the five unwholesome actions, which are: destroying life, taking what is not given, doing wrong in sexual ways, speaking falsely, and losing one's mind from alcohol."
"In this way we have become harmless, so that we can give the gift of fearlessness to all. Therefore, the elephants lost their fear of the mahouts, and did not wish to harm us. They departed, trumpeting triumphantly. This was our protection, which you have called a 'spell'."
Finally seeing the wholesomeness and wisdom of these people, the king questioned them and learned the truth. He decided to confiscate all the property of the dishonest village head man and divide it among them.
The villagers were then free to do even more good works for the benefit of the whole village. Soon they began to build a big roadside inn, right next to the highway crossroads.
This was the biggest project they had yet undertaken. The men were confident because they had learned so well how to cooperate with each other for a common goal. But they had not yet learned how to cooperate in this work with the women of the village. They seemed to think it was 'man's work'.
By this time Magha the Good had four wives. Their names were Good-doer, Beauty, Happy and Well-born. Of these, the first wife, Good-doer, was the wisest. She wanted to pave the way for the women to benefit from cooperating in doing good work. So she gradually became friendly with the boss in charge of the roadside inn project.
Because she wanted to contribute by helping in a big way, she gave a present to the boss. She asked him, "Can you think of a way that I may become the most important contributor to this good work?"
The boss replied, "I know just such a way!" Then he secretly constructed the most important part of the building, the roof beam that would hold the roof together. He wrapped it up and hid it with Good-doer, so it could dry for the time necessary to become rigid and strong.
Meanwhile, the men of the village continued happily in the building project. At last they got to the point of installing the roof beam. They began to make one, but the boss interrupted them. He said, "My friends, we cannot use fresh green wood to make the roof beam. It will bend and sag. We must have an aged dry roof beam. Go find one!"
When they searched in the village, they found that Good-doer just happened to have a perfect roof beam. It was even the right size! When they asked if they could buy it from her, she said, "It is not for sale at any price. I wish to contribute the roof beam for free, but only if you let me participate in building the inn."
The men were afraid to change their successful ways. So they said, "Women have never been part of this project. This is impossible."
Then they returned to the construction boss and told him what had happened. He said, "Why do you keep the women away? Women are part of everything in this world. Let us be generous and share the harmony and wholesomeness of this work with the women. Then the project and our village will be even more successful."
So they accepted the roof beam from Good-doer, and she helped to finish the building of the inn. Then Beauty had a wonderful garden built next to the inn, which she donated. It had all kinds of flowers and fruit trees. So, too, Happy had a lovely pond dug, and planted beautiful lotuses in it. But Well-born, being the youngest and a little spoiled, did nothing for the inn.
In the evenings, Magha the Good held meetings in the roadside inn. He taught the people to assist their parents and elders, and to give up harsh words, accusing others behind their backs, and being stingy.
It is said that the lowest heaven world contains the gods of the four directions, North, East, South and West. Because he followed his own teachings, Magha the Good died with happiness in his heart. He was reborn as Sakka, king of the second lowest heaven world.
In time, the heads of all the other families of the village, as well as Good-doer, Beauty and Happy, also died. They were reborn as gods under King Sakka. This was known as the "Heaven of 33".
Time to Smile - Life is Like That
Lightening My Load...
My husband was trying to embarrass me at a party by carrying on about all the stuff women carry in their purses.
Instead of blushing I said, “You’re right. There IS too much stuff in my purse.” So, I removed his wallet, cigarettes, lighter, and car keys and handed them to him.
When he asked what he was supposed to do with them, I smile and said, “Get your own purse!”
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