CreateYourOwnCamino Adventure
Kseniya Soroka MBA, PCC, ORSCC, CPCC, CPQC, Strengths Coach, ICP
Leadership & Relationship Coach specializing in bringing Teams, Couples and Individuals from Good to GREAT
Together with Kristy Lund we are launching our next CreateYourOwnCamino group.
Unfortunately it is not possible to walk real Camino these days yet, so we decided to create this unique blended experience where you could still set your own intentions, and have opportunity to “walk the talk” in a journey you choose
You will have the freedom to create a journey that fits your needs whether that's getting out to walk, hike, swim, or bike... or even define/re-frame a journey of personal transformation through a particular life event you are experiencing. There is no minimum or maximum of physical activity. It is a 4-week journey with 5 online gatherings where everyone can do their own Camino no matter where you are located geographically in the world. And please don’t worry about the quantity of km/miles, it is about the quality time with the dearest person on Earth – YOU, your True Self.
Here is the schedule of our Camino gatherings for the upcoming 4 weeks:
- Week 1: Saturday, January 9 (9am PST/6pm CET, 2h) - Get you Backpack Ready
- Week 2: Saturday, January 16 (9am PST/6pm CET, 1.5 h) Connecting with your Inner Pilgrim
- Week 3: Saturday, January 23 (9am PST/6pm CET, 1.5 h) – What’s on your heart?
- Week 4: Saturday, January 30 (9am PST/6pm CET, 1.5 h) – Connecting all together: Inner Pilgrim, Body, Heart & Spirit.
- Week 5: Saturday, February 6 (9am PST/6pm CET, 1.5 h) - Celebration: Your Truest & Most beautiful story you can imagine.
As we are starting already this Saturday, 9th January, we decided to give you a special discount with $50 off. You can use the code FIFTYOFF while registering via this link:
Feel free to share this post with the discount with your friends who you think might appreciate it the most at this time, and if you also feel that it also resonates with you - please join! You are very welcome!
Hopefully see you this Saturday, and Buen Camino!