Gwendolyn Esco Davis
EscoDavis, LLC, Business Strategist Consultant/ Certified Deep Transformation Life Coach/Author/Speaker/Writer
Vision Mapping Workshop
Vision Mapping is a powerful visual representation of your dreams and desires. It is a road map to success that helps you attract what you want in life. It is a reminder of your dreams. It has been used with individuals as a tool to focus on personal goals. It has been used in businesses to help focus on the goals of the business as well as working with employees to visualize his or her work and personal goals. Vision Mapping has been used for generations, inspiring individuals to "take action now". Top of Form
There is an expression that a picture is worth a thousand words but a picture is also the ‘language’ of the subconscious mind. What’s great is that research states that 95% of our behaviors are subconscious.
· How to ‘program’ your subconscious mind for success and happiness
· How to attract what you want in your life instead of what you don’t want
· Why Vision Mappings are so effective at helping you get what you want
· Powerful goal setting techniques that include left and right brain activation
to help you gain clarity, insight and focus
This Vision Mapping program is created for the small business environment. Staff and managers work better when their personal and work lives are aligned with their life’s desires.
Vision Mapping is also called, Vision Board, Dream Board or Goal Board. It’s a creative expression for goal setting. It’s a collage with a very important purpose: to create your future - to create and to attain life goals; long term and/or short term.
Employer Benefit:
As the employer, it demonstrates that you value your employees and support an enhanced work environment. It’s a win-win opportunity benefiting the employer as well as the employee.
Studies have found that when an employer provides training to enhance employee’s work and personal lives, the employees feel that the employer values him/her beyond the work place.
· Reduced sick days - missed days from work
· Reduced tardy days
· Congenial work environment
· Increased production
· Reduced errors
· Clarified business vision
Employee Benefits:
· Clarify their Vision
· Achieve Goals - even the ones you forgot about
· Create Life balance
· Succeed in Business
· Improve Relationships
· Fill in the missing pieces
· Understand how to use the Law of Attraction
· Maximize potential and more…
Vision Mapping:
Manifests a creative life you have envisioned. Vision mapping is a great tool to visually express your thoughts and ideas for your business and/or your personal life goals. Actually putting your perception in visional content; having a clear vision - “Vision Mapping” will help place what you think you want in life in line with the universe getting behind your creations! The Vision Mapping process inspires one to do better in life, to focus on everyday actions and attitudes of what truly matters.
We will share our miraculous Vision Mapping success stories at the workshop.
I have used Vision Mapping for over four decades, and I hold true to the benefits it has manifested in my life. As the facilitator, this process is indeed a pleasure to me.
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