Created for His purpose
Have you discovered what the Lord has called you to be and do?

Created for His purpose

Created for His purpose

Whether you are called to lead a church or called to the marketplace, God wants to empower you to fulfill His plans for your life.

God has created us for a specific purpose. We are all special and unique and each one of us has a distinct calling and destiny in God. We are not simply called to fill pews and listen to sermons. Each one of us is called to help build the Kingdom of God through our words and deeds. Each one of us has a very specific role to play in God's divine purpose.

God desires to share His plans and purposes with us so that we will be fully prepared and fully equipped to fulfill our destiny. He never created us to wander around aimlessly through life.

In the Old Testament, ministry was largely the responsibility of prophets, priests, and kings. In the New Testament, all believers are anointed to perform supernatural works for the Kingdom whether behind a pulpit or behind a workbench.?"A society in which vocation and job are separated for most people gradually creates an economy that is often devoid of spirit, one that frequently fills our pocketbooks at the cost of emptying our souls." - Sam Keen

The search for your calling or vocation is different from identifying an occupation. While occupation has more to do with earning money, paying the rent or satisfying one's ego or pride, vocation or calling are tied to one's sense of meaning and life-purpose. As people age and mature, the search for meaningful life and fulfilling their divine calling becomes more important.

God has planned a vocation for each of His children. It is essential then that we seek to find out what it is. If God's calling for you is to be a teacher in a school, you would be disobedient if you became a pastor. Do not be an evangelist if God wants you to be a doctor. Likewise, do not take up a secular vocation if God wants you to pastor a church.

Nevertheless, every believer should be a full-time witness of the Lord Jesus Christ even if they are not in full-time Christian service. A Christian doctor when asked his profession replied: "My profession is to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ and to bring souls to Him. I work as a doctor to pay the expenses." Indeed, he had the right perspective.

When vocation is considered from this view-point, we need not fear the possibility of missing God's will. It is when personal advancement and prestige influence our choice that we go astray.?


