Created In His Image!!!
Easter Cross

Created In His Image!!!

Todays Easter Service Message! 

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Taught by Jeffrey Carmena PhD, BMP Ministries:

We know the Easter message has always been the Good News of Jesus, and His resurrection.

Jesus told the unbelievers who ask to see a miracle from Him, the only sign they will receive is of the prophet Jonah. He will raise from the dead in 3-Days and 3-Nights, as Jonah was in the belly of the fish, Matthew 12:38 - 40. The balance of the faith of believers hinge on this promise. For without this promise, and/or sign by Jesus, no one can be saved, or be raised up, to the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Neither would our Sins be forgiven, for they are also hinged on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our Easter/Resurrection of Christ our Savior, is the message and promise of God. It is definitely the Good News told from the beginning of time. Revenge against the enemy of God. The enemy struck first, rebelled, but the Lord's blow is a finishing blow that no enemy of His could ever get up or recover from.

Without God fulfilling this promise, we have no basis for our faith and there's nothing for our faith to grab hold onto. It would be empty, and of no effect.

The Good News is, He did rise from the dead, after taking the keys of death and hell from satan, Rev. 1:17-18. Jesus left satan powerless of what happens to us when we die. The Good News, God is in control, not satan. Jesus also died for your sins and rose again so that you may have eternal life, instead of eternal damnation and death.

I know that Easter represents, and is recognized as, a holiday of the Lord Jesus Christ's Resurrection.

But, how can you worship Jesus this Easter while you're responsible, or guilty, of harming, hurting, lying to, stealing from, running schemes and killing the Image of God in the earth, and feel justified and satisfied in disrespecting God, and His Image?

The Lord put a great emphasis on who He is, and what His Image means to Him and how we were created with His Love in His Image.

He told us not to cheat, lie to, steal or kill one another because it is His Image in the earth, and there is no death, stealing, deceit, hate, lying or any evil of satan in that Image of God. The Image of God, Jesus, represents Life, Love, and Goodness.

How can you say you love Jesus when you can not love and respect His Image in the earth? Disrespecting and killing Gods Image in the earth is no different than saying crucify Jesus today. Jesus does not need to be, nor can He be, crucified again. You will just be wasting your time trying. Also, Jesus is coming back in Power, not as a sacrifice.

This Easter, recognize that there is an Image of God that we should respect, in us. Our Creator and Savior who created us in "His Image", Gen. 1:27, and other humans created in His Image should be loved and respected. If you love, respect and honor the Image of God, you will respect what He did even more so, dying, as well as, taking marks and wounds in His body, for your deadly sins, and rising up to show you that death has no power over those who believe in Him, Jesus Christ.

Rise like Jesus, "in Jesus", this Easter. Respect the Image of God, Jesus, that was raised for your sins and to give you eternal life. And do your best to love and respect others made in His Image. All humans should love the Lord, and love others as the Lord commands and desires of us. He loved us even before we knew Him, and of His salvation for us, in Jesus.

We should at least respect the Word of our God, Creator and Savior. It was a happy and loving thing for the Lord to make us in His Image. Respect and Love the God who Created you.

Who are we, the created, telling the Creator what to do? Where were you when the Lord created the ends of the heavens and earth, and when He measured the boundaries of light?

All humans, now, and from the beginning of time, have a duty to protect the image of God, by love, as the Creator instructed. It was love that led Jesus to the cross and we remember that on Easter, but we should remember His love daily, not just around Easter and Christmas.

This was the message of God through Jesus, our hope and Savior, of the disrespect of His Image, in the earth, by satan and evil. It is evil satan, who tell humans to disrespect his enemy God, His Image and the good/love God represents.

Steal and kill from one another, hurt and harm the Image of God, the same Image of God on the Cross that was resurrected for you. Do you respect Jesus on Easter and kill His Image on purpose on a daily basis, or by the will of others, in the earth?

Double-minded people have no place with the Lord, Rev. 3:15-22. You can't do evil, saying you are doing evil for the Lord. Evil is of satan, God does not work for satan, so if you are doing evil with hate, it is of satan, not God. God is Good, and of Love.

We do not have a say in the matter of respecting the Image of God, because we are the created, a small speck in the infinity of God's Eternity, in which we are destined in, through, and by, Jesus Christ our Savior who told us to love God, His Image, and one another, created in His Image, to enter His Kingdom of Love, Life, Goodness and Truth. 

There are other benefits of the Kingdom of God such as joy, happiness, completeness, normality, sanity, having all the answers, rejuvenation, calm/at ease, pleasure, comfort, contentment, peace, cheer, trusting, confidence, sureness, etc., but I only outline the Goodness, Love, Life and Truth of the Word of God. The Truth this Easter is, Christ has risen, and has raised us up with Him to His Eternal Kingdom.

Our Heavenly Father did everything for us and without Him we would not have ever gotten this wonderful glimpse of Him, or His love for us.

Instead, we disrespect His Image. Why? Evil, and satan in the world.

This message may not resonate with all people, other than Christians. So to include all Christians, I'll just say, no matter where you are, who you are, race/color or religion you are, just say, You're a Christian because you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

True Christians try their best to represent the Image of God by their love for God. If you love someone, you do your best to be loving to them, not hateful, or to rob, steal, kill or harm them. You treat others with love, and the good you desire to receive of others. If they disrespect you, you've done your part in respecting the Word of God, and will be rewarded for your good, they, the evil, will be rewarded for their evil.

Evil is behind these attempts to disrespect the Image of God. The enemy of God, satan, and his children and followers in the world, try to dishonor the Image of God because they are hell-bound and ripe for the Lake of Fire, as explained earlier. They allow the lies of satan, and evil, to harden their hearts, minds and spirit. They decided to side against the Lord.

Such people do not believe in God, so they don't care about the image He gave them. They don't believe they were created, they believe they are gods and create things based on their limited knowledge, as well as their own gods, and ways of living. They keep God out of their lives, they are far from Him.

The further away He is to them, He does not exist to them. They use anything to occupy their minds to forget the Lord. They do things, go places, to run from Him. They can't stand to be quiet and alone with God, it scares them. Evil is afraid of God's Power and Light. "Be still and know that I am God", Psalms 46:10, God will be exalted in the earth. Exalt, reverence His Image in the earth.

You would not be you, or you would not have your Image, if it were not for the Lord. So, Why steal from God? Why lie to God? Why make evil plans against the Lord? Why would you ever attempt to kill God? How, or Why, would the thought ever come to want to kill, hurt or disrespect His Image?

If you hurt, harm or lie to any human made in His Image, you are doing it unto your Lord and Savior. Matthew 25:41-46. God feels when you hurt, harm, steal from or kill His Image. Abel is the perfect example. The Lord says He still hears Abel's blood cry for mercy, but we have a better blood calling for our mercy, in Jesus, Hebrews 12:24.

We have a new way of dealing with evil, the Lord says, He will avenge us, so let Him, Romans 12:19.

The day is coming, in fact, it is here, that Jesus' Kingdom is at hand. His Kingdom is of Love, so if you are established in hate, you can not enter, bribe, or force your way into heaven. You are not in control of eternal life, Jesus is in control. He is the True Judge.

Just because you think the plane, train, boat, bus, or ride is late, or, not here when you expect it to be, does not mean that the arrival is not coming soon. If there is no obstruction but one enemy satan, the battle is already won. But people think they can make something mature in their time. The created, trying to take things out of the Creator Gods, hands again. Some Humans even try to tell God what to do, and when to do it.

It's time, when God says it's time, not when, or what, people say. The Lord knows when it is time to harvest and separate the usable good fruit, from the unusable, evil trash, to be burned.

When the time is right, and you least expect it, Jesus will return. The ride has arrived. Some may be in the bathroom, standing in line, at the candy machine, sleep or gave up on the ride from waiting at the depot, airport, station or at home.

This is how it will be when Jesus returns. Those with hearts of love will be looking forward to the arrival, while those who are evil, hate, talk about, ridicule, misuse, abuse, kill, lie to, steal, change the sex of, mark up and pierce, run cons and schemes, trick and fool the Image of God in the earth, will be caught by surprise in their evil.

Do you think the Lord God, our heavenly Father, Creator and Savior is happy to see His Image disrespected? How long do you think He will put up with it before He intervenes? He has the Legal Right to intervene, it's His Image. He will win in any court of law in the universes of universes, worlds of worlds, earths of earths, heavens of heavens to intercede and stand up for His Image, and His Creation.

His Image is not to be disrespected in any way, was His Law of Laws. Then He said to love other humans formed in His Image.

How simple a thing that is, and people still have problems with the simple things. Even the little children understand the difference in love, and hate.

Don't get in the middle of God's battle with evil, or satan. As Christians, you get on Jesus side of the battle and have faith in the truth of God's Word. For if Jesus is the Son of God, He is the Image of God His Father. We are His Image in the earth.

Don't fight for, or with, evil or satan. When you dishonor the Image of God, you are on satans side. All the laws hinge upon Loving God and Loving His Image in the earth. You can not break any law if you follow those laws. You will then be Children of God. True Christians.

This Easter respect the Image of God in Jesus Christ our Savior! Also, respect the Image of God in others made in His image. That's every human on earth. You have a great responsibility given by the Lord. Can you do your part in the earth for the Lord who died and raised up for you?

We bow down to our Heavenly Father, Lord, God, Creator and Savior Jesus Christ, He doesn't bow down to us, no matter what you think, someone said, or what you have been thought. 

No matter who you are, where you are, what race, color, religion, age, gender, size, profession, whatever city, nation, country or continent on the earth, the time is coming that we all have to bow down before the one who saved us from death and destruction, because of sin, Jesus Christ are Lord and Savior.

Those who don't believe will be judged along with satan and his evil ones, followers, children, and supporters of evil.

Jesus took the keys of death from satan to assure us that no power but God, controls the grave, not satan, anything or anyone.

This is our Easter Promise, to be raised up with our Lord and Savior Jesus, to Love the Lord God our heavenly Father and Savior as well as the Image of God in others on the earth.

Have A Great Easter Day, Week and Month To All My Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus, Amen!

BMP Int'L, BMP Ministries, TNP Project, P.O. Box 845, San Bernardino, CA 92402-0845 USA

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