Create YOUR Vision!

Create YOUR Vision!

What do you really want for your business?

We so often spend time just working in our businesses and not really focusing on our vision for the business and what we'd like to achieve. Some business owners struggle to look beyond the end of the day, when in reality we should have a vision for the future - this could be 1 year, 3 years, 5 years or more. The simple question is, if you don't know where you are going - how are you going to get there? This is true for anything in life, you don't jump in the car without a destination in mind, and whilst this is a simple analogy - your business is no different. If you don't have a vision, then what's the point? You might as well stay in bed and save yourself a tonne of stress!

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What does a vision give you?

The biggest thing I believe is clarity of thought. When you have a direction it makes decision making easier. For example, are these the clients I want to be working with? Are these the calibre of staff I am looking to recruit? If I move the business in this direction does it take me closer to my long term vision?

It can be transformative to your business. It provides a picture of what could be and can act as a catalyst to move your organisation closer to your dream.

One of my clients created a vision for her business. She was very passionate about working with clients that she liked. Clients that provided products and services that she believed in. Clients who met her core values as a business owner and a mother of two small children. She is passionate about nature, about supporting other people and the environment. It completely shifted her philosophy on her business and the direction her business was going in, and as a result the type of clients she began to attract started to change. She was winning new clients that shared her ethos now form a huge proportion of her client base.

What would your vision for your business look like?

Click on the signature below if you'd like to have a chat about how you can get clarity in the direction you would like to take your business

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Very much works on a smaller scale too Steve BRIDSON - what is the vision for executing this project or programme? what is my vision for myself in the next 1,3,5 years...ok, yes that does involve more golf!



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