Create Your Own Product
Myra Reidy
Lifestyle Transitioning Mentor, Home Business Coach, Professional Connector, LinkedIn Social Media Expert, Peak Performance Trainer, Change Agent, Educator, Cosmologist, History Buff, Wellness & Health Enthusiast
You can create your own product. I know that is a bold statement, but it is true. You can do anything that you set your mind to when it comes to product creation.
Now, you may have all kinds of excuses. Let's see.
* No Time
*Not Creative Enough
*Not the Right Tools
*No Money
*No Skills
*Not Knowledge
Well, that sounds about right because those all are the excuses I told myself for far too long. Then, reality slammed me, and I realized, "I can do this!" You can, too. So, let's dig in!
All you need to do is follow these five little steps to get you started in the right direction.
1. Who is your target audience? Focus on the people that you want to help.
2. What problem does your target audience need to be solved? Not sure? Then, go hang out in some Facebook groups. Go look up some influencers' blogs from your niche. Do a Twitter search. Go look on Amazon. What are the top sellers in your niche? What are these people talking about?
3. What product can you create that would solve just one of their problems? What mode or format will your product take on? Ebook? Podcast? Video? Mini-Class? Webinar?
4. Create a free lead magnetic to give away your product. This can be a mini version of your product in the form of a pdf give way.
5. Now, create a two-page funnel - a capture page with your free lead magnetic and then a thank you with a limited time offer for your created product. You can sell it or give way as a thank you in exchange for the person's contact information.
Once you have set up your funnel with capture and thank you pages, it is time to promote your product on your various social media platform. Just tell yourself, "I can do this!"
I hope that you got value from this writing! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me!
Best Wishes,
Myra Reidy
P. S. Want to learn more ways to promote and grow your business? Great! You are invited to join us every Wednesday at 9 pm EST. Just click HERE!