Create your own GPT, Astro gains resumability, and the right way build an AI project.

Create your own GPT, Astro gains resumability, and the right way build an AI project.

Yo, devs!

Have you changed your title into AI engineer yet?

Seems that the hype train is only speeding up with all the latest AI company announcements. Not to say that it’s bad, it’s just a shift.

No longer will developers argue about their JavaScript framework of choice, but now they’ll argue which LLM model, custom GPT, or AI assistant gets their job done better and faster.

Is that what the future holds? I don’t know. But it sure is interesting.

We got many things to cover, but before that, how can we go on without one little Dad Joke of the day?

Without geometry life is pointless.


And speaking of Qwik, Mi?ko has been working on some videos:



There we have it, another issue down the pipeline!

Sadly (and happily), this will be the last issue I put out for a while, as I (Yoav) am going on parental leave for the birth of my first daughter (and second child).

But have no fear, my awesome colleague Vishwas is going to fill in the gap while I’m busy changing diapers.

However, knowing myself, I’ll probably have a hard time disconnecting from all the web news and shenanigans and will probably still send him links. ??

Hoping y’all keep it real and keep on keeping on.

Till next time, ???




