Easy Homemade Projects #34
Matthew L.Johnson
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Create your own Frog Pond
What you need
Washing bowl, gravel, rocks/ tiles, logs/ bark/ twigs, shovel and if you can get any pond weed
Step 1. Dig a hole the depth and width of your bowl.
Step 2. Put your bowl into the hole.
Step 3. Put your gravel to one side and build up a slope so that your frogs can have somewhere to sit outside of the water.
Step 4. Place your twigs and rocks into the space without gravel, have some coming out fo the bowl and going from the empty part up onto the mound.
Step 5. With your pond filled you want to decorate the outside to be more welcoming with more twigs, rocks and gravel (we want to make what looks like a natural area for the frogs to enjoy.
Step 6. Fill you bowl with water.
Step 7. Add in the pond weed
Now this will sound very bizarre, but frogs are known to go back to the place they were born, so if you can get hold of ANY frog spawn (maybe from a friends pond) and put into your bowl.
If you want to get pond weed/ aquatic weed you can find them in your local river or local ponds. As these weeds can grow rapidly it is not damaging to the local eco system to remove some. You may want to where gloves if you are removing from an area unknown.
A frogs life cycle
Stage 1. Eggs - Frogs lay their eggs in calm water and like to use vegetation to offer protection.
Stage 2. Larva/ Tadpoles - Within the first 2 weeks of hatching tadpoles do not move much and will live off of the remaining egg (it has all the nourishment thats required). The tadpoles will have gills, a mouth and a long tail. As it gets older you will see legs sprout/ grow to show its maturity.
Stage 3. It will take approximately 12 weeks for your tadpoles to absorb their tail and gills. At this point the frog is now classed as an adult and can venture out on its own!