Uncovering Greatness -The Real Life Business School
Building Great Lives & Businesses in Africa
Globally many people are losing their #jobs, in #southafrica alone, over 7 million people are #unemployed since the beginning of the #covid19 pandemic.
This is truly saddening and there seems like there is no end in sight when it comes to flattening the #unemployment curve. Many people are waiting for #governments to create #jobs and provide relief, but unfortunately that is not what GOVERNMENTS DO!
So you might be thinking, "Okay Uncovering Greatness", what must happen? Well, all of those people need to #learn one thing, HOW TO #SELL! If they learnt how to #sell and SELL WELL, they will be able have whatever it is that they want. Right now, most companies are not hiring off the number of #degrees you have or how schooled you are, they are #employing people who can #sell. People who can sell them on why they should get the #job and why they are right for the position.
Selling is a part of #life, it is the most important skill in life, because if you can sell, you can what you #desire. SALES=INCOME and not just monetary #income.
If you want to Create a Strong Future, learn how to Master Sales.
What future are you creating for yourself?
What future are you creating for your business?
If you can’t sell, guess what? Your future sucks! Your Business Future Sucks! Yes!
Now some of you might see this post and think, I'm not in #sales, so I do not need to learn how to sell, guess what? If you read this post all the way to the bottom, you made a #sale, a sale to yourself on why you should keep reading this instead of moving onto the next video of #puppies.
Since you made it all the way to the bottom, FOLLOW THIS LINK NOW AND FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE PREMIER SALES EVENT OF 2020.