Create Your Best Year Yet
We usually wait for the new year to make resolutions about what we should start and stop doing.? As lovely an idea as that is, how many times have you seen that decision to the end? This time, let’s set ourselves up for success to create your best year yet.
Many of us begin the new year with enthusiasm as we pursue new ambitions, but most of us fall back into our old habits within a few weeks.??If we keep doing the same things and expecting a different result we’re going to end up where we’ve always been.
Be kind and patient and trust that you can make small changes to create your best year yet.
Bad habits don’t stop suddenly; neither can good habits be developed suddenly. It’s a process, and it shouldn’t be stressful or painful. A bit here and a bit there and before you know it you’ll already be having your best year.?
Start immediately, taking the first step is key! You can do this!
Here are seven ways to make this your best year ever:
1: Plan
We often look for a shortcut or luck that will take us from where we are to where we want to be.?Let’s not rely on a shortcut or luck in creating the best year ever; we need to have a plan.
When creating your plan, it needs to be realistic.?A successful strategy has to be adequately documented and needs to have realistic timelines that you can manage.?
It is a process; if you stop moving forward, then you will be falling behind.?Creating a plan means writing out what you will do and holding yourself accountable.?Set up a system for tracking your activities and measuring them against what you’ve planned for yourself.?You may not hit every mark, and that’s okay. As long as there is something there that has improved, you are well on your way.
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