10 Ways To Create Rest
Jonathan Randle
The Time Alchemy Method? - Transforming Burnt-Out Tech Executives Into High Performing Innovators Who Meet And Exceed All Of Their Same Targets While Simultaneously Winning Back Time, Health, And Relationships
In my book, Dear Healthcare Worker, I mention that rest is such a simple lettered word, yet it is one of the hardest practices to keep. Gone are the days where rest could be simply and only a welcomed surprise. There were less distractions before the internet age, more face to face time, and (in general) more hope for the future. We are now living in a time where rest can't just be observed--it has to be created.
Below are 10 ways in which you can create rest to restore your body, mind, and soul.
1 .Spend Time Outside
With the artificial bombardments around you and the beep-boop-beeps of every kind of electronic device inundating your senses, a change to all the au naturale sounds --or no sounds at all-- is greatly appreciated. Spending time outside is a great way to rest and recover. It allows you to give your eyes a break from screens, to see beauty in the world around and appreciate it. Going on hikes on trails and mountains, or canoeing and swimming in the rivers is a good challenge that is different from the everyday work task. Even just walking along the street during lunch can help elicit wakefulness and give a much need break. To rest is to learn how to appreciate all kinds of life and to experience it in many different ways. Make sure you explore the world around you outside of your home or work and restore yourself.
2. Journal
Journaling has shown to have a positive effect on a person's emotional state. With multiple work stresses, and late night complicated cases--anxiety can build up fast. With the state of the world as it is, anxiety and depression can quickly drain you. Journaling allows you to express all of your worries and fears. It helps you to process your emotions, to curse if you need, to cry, to reflect on all that has happened. It also allows you to tap into positive affirmations and creativity. When journaling, make list, plan the day ahead, map out your future. Dump out the worries of the world through pen and paper and allow your mind more space to rest.
3. Set Boundaries
In a profession where you are constantly giving to others, it is sometimes hard to take care of your own needs. Boundaries are vital in keeping your energy, your sanity, and healthy relationships so that you are not squeezed like a overused rag. Set boundaries for your free time, boundaries with your family and friends, your co-workers, and boundaries for your physical space. Build structures and systems that protect your values. Communicate your boundaries. Learn how to say no to things that will drain you and keep you exhausted so that you will be able to say yes to the events and people and activities that give you life.
4. Get Off Social Media!
Do you know one of the best ways to begin creating more rest for yourself? Yep, you got it. It's stepping away from social media.
I know, I can hear you already, "That's impossible." "It's too hard." "Step away? Pfft, I need to be connected for XYZ and ABC."
And I get it. It really isn't easy. Technology has seeped so deep into every fabric of our lives that it takes tremendous strength sometimes just to separate yourself from it. Even now, there are kids growing up who have never known what life was like without phones and the internet.
But researchers are understanding more and more how social media has negatively impacted mental and social health well-being. The impetus that was supposed to connect the world, has seemingly decreased a person's ability to actually rest. You are always plugged in with no downtime.
To create rest and boundaries with social media, start small. Set aside a day out of the month where you don't log in to any social media. Test the waters and see how you feel. And then when you have this practice down, extend it to one week out of the month. Sometimes you are even able to stay off for a full month or months depending on how much benefit you gain from not being constantly tapped in.
It takes practice, and discipline. It takes communication with others. But the benefits far outweigh the risk. See just how much energy and time you will gain when you take that much needed rest break from social media.
5. Go Work Out
One of the best ways for your body to rest is actually to provide positive stress to it. Working out is a great way to release energy and release endorphins (your body's feel good chemical) so that your mind and body feel good the rest of the day. Working out also helps to decrease your overall pain, so that when you do lay down or relax, it is without your body being in a constant state of pain. It really does feel good after challenging your body with a good workout. Go to the gym, make a couple laps in the pool, or run along a trail. You will feel accomplished, healthy, and more restored.
6. Go On A Mini Vacation
Everyone loves going on vacation. It's a period of time specifically designed for rest. But sometimes you are not able to go on those huge trips in or out of the country that may require a lot of planning. That's ok! Doing a mini vacation is just as relaxing. For example, you can plan a weekend trip in your city by going out to a fancy dinner with your family one day, going hiking the next, and then going to the movies or theatre on the last day. You can also travel to areas that aren't from where you are currently residing. Have fun with the planning of it. Explore something new. And reap the benefits of experiencing what life has to offer away from work.
7. Spend Time With Loved Ones
Create rest by carving out time for the people who mean the most to you. Humans need social interaction. Even more, we need meaningful interaction with people who understand, respect, and love us. Cultivating relationships with your close ones (parents, siblings, friends, partners) are, in my opinion, vastly more important than working for hours on end at places that won't hesitate to replace you. Have dinner with your family, travel to see your best friend, listen to your loved one who is hurting and actually be present with them in their time of need. Surrounding yourself in the collective embrace of your loved ones will surely place you ease and feelings of restfulness.
8. Do Your Favorite Hobbies
Read. Listen to music. Fish. Crochet. Play an instrument. Shop. Play video games. Watch TV.--Spend time with your favorite activities. Create time for the things that give you pleasure and joy. These are pockets of space that allow you to be you in all your uniqueness. Have fun with your hobbies. Pick up new ones. Invite others to join. And continue to incorporate these brief moments of pure joy and flow throughout your schedule.
9. Simplify Your Room
Open spaces with light shining through the windows, cream-white walls with single see-through drapes, sparse furniture uniquely placed to open up the area, green ivy hanging down on the walls. Warmed wooden boards, carpets, or stone making up the floor. Healing music and use of candles to create ambience. These are a few ways people are simplifying their rooms and creating spaces of healing and rest.
After the Pandemic, we as a society have relearned the importance of home. Many now spend much of their time home and wish to just chill or relax after tiring days at work. To help further create this feeling of rest and relaxation at home, dedicate the time to simplify a room or rooms in which you want to experience rest. Declutter those rooms and remove furniture that you no longer need. Create clear and open spaces. Introduce light and nature. You may even want to hire an interior designer to help create this healing area. When you walk into a healing and simplified room, you should feel like you are able to breathe deeper, your mind should instantly calm, and the cares of the world should seem to fade away.
10. Sleep
Of course I am going to mention sleep. Sleep is your body's ultimate rest state. If you are not getting the quality amount of sleep that you need, then you will not feel rested. To get more quality sleep, understand your body's natural rhythm. Are you are morning bird or a night owl? Do you do your best work, or most creative in the afternoon. Structure your morning and evening routines so that you can maximize your relaxing activities as you prepare your mind and body for sleep. Decrease light as the evening wanes, and decrease your use of technology. Set up your ideal environment for your body
Rest must be created.
It must be carved out into your schedule. Try these 10 ways of adding more rest into your life and increase your ability to feel fulfilled, happy, healthy, and whole.