Create a powerful organization!

Create a powerful organization!

Having a North Star and setting tangible BHAG's (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), measure and follow up on them is of course basics for any organization and every Manager today - And - yet somehow we're not always reaching our full potential as a Unit. How come?

Ensuring the tip of the spear is always sharp is of course necessary and what is as equal important is to ensure your whole organization (front and back) is well prepared, oiled-up and ready to set sail.

So how does one do that? Here's a few core principal for a more effective organization I have picked up along the way.

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Data Culture

Two things we know; Data is the new oil and that Culture eats strategy for breakfast. If you combine these two and build a high-performance culture around trust, accountability and data-driven decisions, you and all your teams will be more sharp, confident and trustworthy and beat your numbers.

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Clear Direction

Have a super clear long-term plan, a North Star if you will, and know your next steps. Be sure on and build a change story of how you will get there, and back it up with data. Key success factor here, is to tell that story - and the journey - on every occasion.

Make everyone to hear it, know it, feel it, do it and share it.

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Separate the repetitive work from the creative, and have clearly mapped primary process. Standardize and automate with technology such as Bots / AI / ML as much as possible, so creative energy goes to the few tasks that really makes an impact and a difference.

Do not try to improve what's not consistent.

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Big goals, small steps

Prepare and plan action against strategy in 90-day sprints and ensure you keep the pace high. Remember that three tasks done really well beats 15 done at only 70%..

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Be 1% better every day

As your organization scales, upgrade tools, technology and processes before they slow your growth. Focus your improvement activities around employee- and customer experience.

Work on the business - not just in the business.

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Optimize your Funding

Ensure you have planned your funding along with your strategy in advance, and be smart to leave room for flexibility along the way - things happens..

Keeping an eye on your funding and ensuring your teams does too, aligns processes and departments, and gives you fuel for your growth.

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Right people, right seats

Your life depends on recruiting the right talents for the right positions - ensure you act like it. Make sure that your organizational design match your core values, industry and growth phase.

A single A-player in the right role outperforms sometimes a mediocre department.

Be brave about it. Change when you have to.

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Stop looking for shortcuts

There aren't none..

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