Create an Online Course that Sells in 2022 (8 figure course creator's 4 key steps)
Sunny Lenarduzzi
Elevating subject matter experts to smash the income & impact ceiling through online education businesses | Founder & CEO of The Authority Accelerator.
So you want to create an online course, or maybe you have a course, but it's not selling the way you thought it would and it's not as easy as you thought it would be. Well, by the end of this, you're going to have a clear game plan of how to create a course that actually sells, and sells consistently.
To date, I've helped thousands of people in all different kinds of niches; from baker, to accountants, to DJs, to doctors, to relationship experts, to healers, and everything in between package their experience, their knowledge and their skills into highly profitable and highly scalable online courses. And my online course business has generated just shy of 20 million in the last five years.
But, I have made a ton of mistakes. I have tested different things, I've tried different things, I've tried different course structures. I've done all of the things that you could possibly imagine, and that's why I wanted to make this to help you avoid those mistakes. Because, the online course industry is projected to be a $450 billion industry by 2026.
But there are so many creators and entrepreneurs who are going down this route of creating online courses, but staying stuck, frustrated, and broke. So, I wanted to make this to make it very clear on how you can actually create a course that turns into a real business for you.
Before I get into the steps, I do want to share the biggest trend that I am seeing now with online course creation, and also, the top four mistakes to avoid. But before we get there, this channel is all about making entrepreneurship available to everyone, and I believe that entrepreneurship is truly a vehicle to freedom so that you can make the unique impact that you want to make on the world. So, a small thing you can do to help me out to reach more people with this mission is to give this a quick like.
And speaking of freedom, the reason that I love online course businesses so much, and it's truly changed my life is because it's one of the easiest businesses to start, and one of the easiest ways for you to make a huge impact on your ideal audience, client, and customer.
So, one of the biggest trends that I have noticed recently with online course creation, and this has really ramped up over the last year, is that small tactic-driven courses are not performing in the same way that they used to. The reason is with the information economy that we now have today, with so much free information on the internet, people just aren't as willing to pay, even if it's a small dollar amount for a tactic-driven course.
What I mean by that is how-to courses, and technical skills courses, and things that are super information driven. So, what I have noticed and how I have built my entire business and what I truly believe is the key to creating a course that sells, is creating something that's based around transformation. Because, I say this often,?
People pay for transformation. They don't pay for information.
Case in point, you're watching this right now. Something has to truly take you from zero to hero in order for you to really want to invest into it. And not just that, invest into it and actually do the work and take the action to get the outcome that you're seeking. Now, let's get into the top four mistakes you must avoid when creating an online course.
Number one, cramming absolutely everything you know into an online course and focusing on information versus transformation. Number two, focusing on perfection instead of proof and creating profit. Building a website funnel and perfect brand before selling your course. And finally, building your entire course out before validating the offer and truly understanding what to charge.
So, what is the game plan? These are the three steps that we're going to cover to create your highly impactful transformational and sellable online course. Number one, we are going to identify your unique and uncopyable course topic and niche. Number two, we're going to sell and validate your course. Number three, we are going to turn your course evergreen so that it can sell even when you're not working.
Let's get into identifying your unique and uncopyable course topic and niche. So, there is an old way of doing this and there is a new way of doing this and we call it micro niching. The old way is to pick a really broad topic, i.e., beauty. And the other aspect is picking a niche with a lot of opportunity. The reason that that just doesn't work anymore is because of what I mentioned earlier, that there is so much information out there. There are so many people creating information online, creating courses, so that if you just dive in the deep end with all of this competition, and have no differentiating factor, you're never going to really be able to last or sell your course.
What we have identified is that there are millions of micro niches available to every single person out there. And they're completely unique to you because they are tied to your personal story. So, the new way of doing it is choosing a micro niche, and that's a niche that's tied to your personal story.
A really great example of this is one of our clients could easily go after the beauty market, but instead, she chose to go after healing your face with food. I've talked about her in past videos because I'm so proud of her success. She came in absolutely starting from zero and she's scaled her business all the way up to $20,000 a month. And she helps women heal their skin, heal their acne, with food and doing it from the inside out.
Why is she so good at this? Because she spent 15 years struggling with her own skin and went to all these dermatologists and doctors and tried every single thing that you could try to clear her skin and nothing was working. And so, she identified that there was a specific diet and method and formula that she used for herself, that she could easily replicate to create phenomenal results for her clients, which is what she's doing now.
The moral of the story is that if you have a story, you have a business.?
The way that you want to think about this when you're creating your course topic is that you are the hero of your own story. So you want to think about, if I were to write the story of my life and position myself as the hero, how would that story go? What are all of the things that I have had to overcome, the challenges that I've been faced with? I want you to really get into that head space, because that is where your best course idea lies. But let me give you a few prompts to make this even easier.
What was a pivotal moment in your life or in your business? What is one of the best results you've ever created for yourself, personally or professionally? What's a skill that you have been able to master? What's your career expertise or experience? What do people all always ask you specifically for help with? What do you get excited to talk about? What are strategies that you repeat over and over and over again?
I wanted to touch on that last point because that's actually how I was able to start my online course business. I used to have a social media consultancy, and I found that I was repeating the same strategy with pretty much every single client, and I would just go ahead and tweak and customize certain things, but everybody was following the same formula.
But I hit a ceiling and a plateau in my business because they were relying on me to lay out the strategy and to execute on the strategy. So I thought to myself, "Okay, well, if I could package this strategy and show these clients how to do this for themselves, step by step, then it would take me out of the equation. It would allow me to impact more people, reach more people and create even more results." So, that was what I was able to do.
So, the very solid foundation that you build your entire course off of, and not just that, the magic of doing what I'm about to show you is also going to be the foundation of every piece of content you ever create. It makes it so much easier because you'll know exactly what you should be posting on social media, in your email copy, when you create a funnel. All of these things become a lot smoother and easier when you have this one piece of the puzzle figured out. And what is it? We call it your transformation statement. Because essentially, your transformation statement is what you are providing to your client. So, it goes a little something like this.
"I went from blank to blank so that I could blank." And my personal transformation statement for my business, which has me stand out in a very crowded online core space is deeply rooted in my own personal story. If you don't know, I went through a massive burnout in 2017 and that's when everything really shifted in my business and I knew I needed to make a change. So, my transformation statement is,?
"I went from struggling, burnt out solopreneur to thriving eight figure business owner so that I could create a business that could create an impact and an income without relying on me."
And no, not every niche is about making money. I'm going to share an example with you of one of our clients who's in a phenomenal job with her course. "I help expecting mothers going from not knowing how to prepare their pelvic floor for birth to being educated and empowered about their pelvic health, so they can have a positive birth with minimal injury and return to an active lifestyle postpartum without dealing with long term pelvic health issues."
So, hit that like button if this is starting to make sense to you and if you're starting to get some light bulbs. Feel free to drop them in the comments below. What you need to realize is that once you have that transformation statement sorted, your course really just bridges the gap between the zero and the hero state. And a massive clue for you is the zero state of your clients, where your clients are when they're most likely to invest in your program, is where you were when you were at your zero state. They're simply a mirror for you.
In order to create your course and the curriculum inside of your course, this is how you do it. It's a very simple process of identifying what is that hero state and the outcome of the transformation that you are going to provide to your clients, and what is the zero state as I mentioned. And then in between those two items, you want to figure out, "Okay, what are all of the steps that my client would have to take in order to go from zero to hero?" And that becomes the curriculum of your course.
And the best part about this is that if you've actually been through this transformation yourself, you simply just need to reverse engineer your own experience and all the things that you did to create that outcome that you desired so much. Because again, your clients are seeking the same thing.
And the best thing you can do, which so many people don't take the time to do, but it is something that we make mandatory when we help people in building their courses, is we have you actually speak to people on Zoom, on the phone, so you can truly understand; who is your ideal client, and who maybe isn't? Because, that's just as valuable.
You want to know who your specific ideal client is, because what I have found in helping thousands of people build highly sellable online courses, is that there are three factors to creating a course that stands at the best of time and continues to sell in perpetuity, and they are; one specific ideal client, at one specific place on their journey, where they are at a point where they are ready to make a change and invest in themselves. And number three, they are seeking one specific transformation.
Trying to create a course that appeals to everyone only creates more headache for you, because it's very difficult to create highly duplicatable and impactful and deep results on people when you're trying to do everything for everyone.?
Make sense? So you want to start thinking about people in your life, in your community, and also find hubs on social media and on places like Amazon, so you can really understand, who is your ideal client and what is it that they're searching for?
There are so many ways to do this. One of my favorites, and I've talked about this before, is that if you go to Amazon and you go to books that are in your niche or category, and you check out the top books, most highly sellable books, and you go to the reviews and you look at the worst and the best reviews, there is goals in those to really tell you what people need, what they're missing out on, where you can fill the gap with your online program.
Number two is sell and validate your a course idea. So, what do you actually need to be able to do this? All you need is your transformation statement and the outline of the formula and curriculum that's going to get your client from zero to hero. We operate off of a system where we pre-sell your course, because one of the biggest mistakes, and I mentioned this earlier, that people make when they're creating an online course, is they spend hours, sometimes thousands of hours, sometimes years, building out a course, and they have no real proof that it's actually going to work and they have no client feedback, which kills your momentum and ultimately kills your growth in your business.
So, if you have your transformation statement, you know exactly what you're going to deliver, and you have your formula and curriculum outline of how you're going to deliver it, and then you're going to actually get it out into the world, sell it, and deliver it live for the first round of your course. We call this the POP model, Profitable Offer Prototype. It's not perfect, it's not pretty, it is simply a prototype model of your course, and you can only get better from there, but all you need is the bare bones.
The best way to think about this is if you've ever bought a gym membership or you've bought a set of weights, you are not buying the gym membership and you're not buying the set of weights, what you're buying is the outcome that they will provide to you if you do the work. You are buying strength, confidence, joy in your body. That is the outcome, that is the transformation that you are investing in. Same thing goes with your course.
Your clients are not buying the thing, they're not buying the tactics. They're buying the outcome and the efficiency of you delivering that outcome by them following your methodology, to get them the transformation they are seeking. And the POP was truly inspired by Steve Jobs. I know, kind of a random reference. But he truly did inspire me in how he created the iPhone, which is obviously a massive success, and it just keeps getting better with each iteration. And the same concept needs to apply to your course.
If you wait too long to get it out there, you're simply procrastinating through perfectionism, which is only holding you back from creating the business and the life that you truly want for yourself. And if you're nervous about selling or even pricing your program, I have two in depth videos about that on my channel.
What I think most people don't understand about online courses. They are living, breathing things. You constantly are going to have to make updates and iterations over time. And so, to build out your entire course first, without actually testing it in the real world and getting feedback is truly putting the cart before the horse and creating backwards momentum.
Now, how do you actually sell, and what are some of the tactical ways that you can do this? Okay. So, very simple way to think about this is that once you know the outcome of your course and the problem that you're solving for your client, there's really three steps to actually getting people to enroll.
Even if you have no audience, this still applies because you can leverage online communities that are already out there full of your ideal client. And you have to remember, if you're waiting for an audience to come to you, your business is never going to grow. You have to go out and seek out your ideal clients and audience. So, how do you create content that actually sells is very simple.
Number one, you know the outcome of your course. You know the result that you are creating. So, step number two is to create content that is free online on social media, in emails, et cetera, and that content needs to be directly relevant to the problem you are solving in your paid program. And from there, you are going to always mention your paid course in your free content to drive traffic from all these different places on the internet to your paid course.
Simply put, we call it a no friction sales funnel. What I mean by that is you don't need a funnel. You don't need tech. You don't need anything. Because again, if you're building all of those things out without actually having a proven, tested offer that has brought in cashflow, client results, and you feel really confident about selling, then you're probably building all of those things and you're going to have to redo them.
So instead, keep it very simple and bare bones. You don't need a ton of clients to test out the offer. You just need a few. You want to make sure that you are identifying the outcome, making content that's relevant to that outcome, and always mentioning your paid program to get people to enroll.
All right, let's turn this bad boy evergreen. This part people stress so much about, and it is truly the easiest part of creating an online course. Where you actually upload it when you build out your evergreen course. What I mean by an evergreen course is that it detaches your time from your income. So, you have tested your offer, you have proven your offer, you know that it's getting client results, and now you can take what you've learned, take all the feedback, make your edits and iterations, change things around, make it even better than the first round of your offer, and then record it, prepackage it and put it into a course platform.
There are tons out there. We personally use Thinkific. I love Thinkific. I always have. I've used them from day one and they've been a really great platform for us, but there are tons on the market that are also just as good and truly where you upload your course content is honestly the easiest part of this process.
So you're now at a place where you've created a legacy business. You have packaged your program into a self-study course that people can learn from at their leisure, whenever they are able to do it, and they don't have to rely on you and your time to get the outcome that your course provides, which increases exponentially the amount of impact that you can create in the world.
And it allows you to create an income when you're not even working. And because you now have your messaging figured out, you know exactly how to attract clients, because you've tested it prior to this and you know exactly the outcome your course provides, and you have the confidence of having results in the door; you can now build out your evergreen sales machine, which simply means that you're building out a sales funnel to attract people into your course, again, when you're not having to work at all. It just runs in the background and brings people in.
Simply put, an evergreen sales machine is organic traffic or paid traffic, but we really focus on organic traffic, which means free traffic coming from different sources online. And that traffic then goes to a conversion site, that conversion site turns your viewer and a stranger on the internet into a lead for your course. And from there, that lead then becomes a customer or client for your course.
And the most amazing part of when you turn your program evergreen, it is worth the work that gets you here because when you do, you've created a business that can truly run itself. And what we call it is the flywheel. It's really the engine that runs your entire business and runs in the background, like I said.
So it starts with having the best course that you can create. From there, you want to get people enrolled into your course, because if you don't have sales, you don't have a business. And from the sales aspect, once people are in your course, you want to ensure that they're getting a transformation, which is why it's so important to test your offer first, before growing and scaling it.
Once you've created transformations for your clients, your clients are then happy clients, representatives and ambassadors of your course, and guess what starts to happen? They then go, "Oh, my gosh. You have to learn from this person about this thing, because they're the only person who knows how to actually get results," and then they start becoming your ambassadors and driving even more people into your incredible course.
And as you can see, it starts to move on its own. It starts to create this momentum and then the flywheel just gets stronger and stronger and stronger. And all of a sudden, your course is selling without a lot of effort on your part.
Am I saying this is easy? No. Am I saying it takes time? Absolutely. It takes time, it takes effort, it takes results in order to really get your online course business to a place where it's selling consistently and growing consistently, but it's doable. And I wanted to share one really cool client result that I think will show you the hope that can come out of doing all the foundational work that I laid out.
Chelsea's course creates the transformation of helping artists with unrealized potential find their voices so that they can become master oil painters. She has consistently grown her course from the test phase and testing it out in the world and doing it live to $35,000 a month and creating a new normal for herself. And she just said, "I can't believe I'm here," because it does feel like you've made it once you get to the place where your business is super consistent and you have predictable revenue every single month. And not just that, but this allowed Chelsea to actually take a two week vacation from her business and have it still run without her. And it's not just that. Her audience is now growing on autopilot too. She's also scaled her YouTube channel to 50,000 subscribers. And she started with us when she was at four.
If you can't tell, this is what I do, this is what I eat, sleep and breathe, because I obsessed with helping you turn your story, which does matter.?
Your voice matters, your story matters, take your story and turn it into a highly transformational online course business so that you can make a big difference out in the world and create results for all of the people that are waiting for you to show up.?
So if you're ready to do that, and you're actually ready to take action, here's a link to apply to speak to a member of my team to see if it's a fit and to see if we are aligned.
We are particular about who we accept, because we want to make sure that you know this isn't a magic pill. You have the game plan and the blueprint in front of you. It works, but you have to be ready and willing to do the work. So, you can click this link for that:
Like I said, my mission with this channel is to make entrepreneurship available to everyone because I know that entrepreneurship is a vehicle to freedom and a vehicle to equity, so that you can create your unique mark on the world. If you're aligned with me on that, if you're with me, give this a like so we can reach even more people in the algorithm. I can't wait to see you in the next one. Bye.
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Founder and CEO @ SUNsource | Industry Leader for Super User Networks and Community creation | Author | Business Process Health Advocate
2 年Great tips, thanks for the post!