Create My Infrastructure (Self assisted mode)
This article I am writing to share an Idea and Initiative named CMI (Create My Infrastructure).
Earlier I wrote an article [[S1-A&D] How to automate software-architecture, using architecture-as-code (SAaC) approach], This article in the same sequence is any attempt to share two type of information
Small note on HLD (Solution Approach)
In order to keep the article size smaller, not sharing the entire solution-approach here. But the original document (Google Docs) will be available for all, interested & enthusiastic friends can follow the (Link of HLD document). For a long time, I was thinking of building this open-platform and [ABB cartridge] for each technology component, is the atomic component on the [CMI platform]. [ABB cartridge] is very much similar to [Provisioning-cartridges-in-Telecom] e.g. SIM-Activation-Provisioning-Cartridge, Change-SIM-Provision-Cartridge etc. for Telco operators. Technology components in any system architecture, in our architecture world is called [Architecture Building Blocks (ABB) (article on same here)] and [ABB-Cartridge] is the independent utility which can be download by user and execute in their infrastructure manually, or CMI platform can be allowed to executed in user's infrastructure automatically.
Objective & Overview of CMI Platform
Overall objective of this project is to help the DevOps team/individual for setting up infrastructure for any software project in the required environments e.g. Production & Non-prod environments.
Issues & Challenges
Concerns & Observation
Product & services as outcome of platform
Implicit benefit from overall platform journey?
Many problems get resolved automatically?
Overall strategy
About author
Profile : Rajesh Verma - Brief profile
Source : link for this article here
Series : S1 (Architecture & design)
Episode : S1E2 ([S1-A&D] HLD : Create My Infrastructure)
Author’s approach : Rajesh wants to share his learning & experience gained throughout his career from various sources. Author started the series on architectural topics and this article is one of the episodes in that attempt. Author feels that lots of information is available on various forums, but scattered here & there. Episodes in this series will be designed for most of the relevant topics in architecture-&-design, published gradually and organized in logical sequence. Principally episodes will have linkage with other episodes, so that readers can have proper connection among the topics and would be able to correlate with ongoing activities in their software life. Topics for example will be related to functional architecture, integration architecture, deployment architecture, microscopic view of mostly architecture-building-blocks (ABBs), security guidelines & approach to comply, performance KPIs & engineering, git branch & DevOps enabled automation strategy, NFR aspects (e.g. scalability, high-availability, stability, resiliency, etc.), commonly used architecture styles & design patterns, cloudification approaches, multi-tenancy approach, data migration, channel-cutover & rollout strategy, process standardization & simplification, greenfield rollout & brownfield transformation journeys, etc.
Thank you for reading the post, please stay connected.