Create More Quality Time: Stop Mental Juggling
The Time-Optimized Life (Download Chapter 1 for FREE)
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I recently presented in front of a group of retired business professionals, who meet regularly with a purpose. They use their collective experiences to aid each other in their financial decisions. Some of them took the Retirement Time Analysis (RTA). When sending out each assessment, I ask for feedback on the report.
Here is what one of the participants provided, “All other activities, interests, reading lists and of course, house and yard chores, tend to be on a best efforts basis. My ‘would like’ or ‘of current interest’ list is very long ... to the point of distraction and related dysfunctional time loss.” A perfect case of mental juggling. I recognize it, because I am also guilty of it.
In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves constantly juggling multiple tasks, responsibilities, and commitments. This mental balancing act of managing time and activities has become an integral part of modern life, but it comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. Understanding the impact of this juggling act on our mental well-being and productivity is crucial for developing effective strategies to navigate our busy lives – no matter where you are at in life.
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You'll be able to compare where mental juggling is having a toll on you.
Then, you'll see 8 time opportunities you can integrate to juggle less and focus more.
David Buck is the author of the book The Time-Optimized Life, owner of Kairos (Time) Management Solutions, LLC. Learn how to apply the concepts of proactively planning and using your time. Take the Time Management Analysis (TMA), the Retirement Time Analysis (RTA), or all the other free resources offered to help bring more quality time into your life.