Create a Money Mantra to Improve Your Approach to Financial Well-Being
Erin Pollinger
Health and wellness networker at PrimeMyBody, Author, Feminine Powered Leadership retreat leader
The following is adapted from Network Marketing Queen.
Most people believe they must work sixty hours a week to make the money they desire, so they don’t even bother to try. They believe it’s too hard and too much, so they settle for their current reality when it comes to money.
If you don’t have enough money flowing through your life, it is because you continue to carry negative beliefs about it. You believe that there is not enough money, that you are not worthy, that it is bad to have money, that money will change you, or that it’s not there for you unconditionally.
Your beliefs create your life. It might sound simple, but if you come up with a new set of positive beliefs around money and make them your mantra, it will radically alter your approach to financial well-being. Success is possible, if you’re willing to think about money in a new way.
Develop Your Money Mantra
We readily recognize that our outlook has the power to affect our daily lives. If you approach life pessimistically, you will be more attuned to negative events. Oddly, we don’t often think about money the same way. But our beliefs about money have significant power over our financial well-being.
I took inspiration for my money mantra from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, one of the most important books ever written about money. Here is my modified version.
First, you have to know your money goals and the specific amount of money you choose to bring in every month…down to the dollar. Be specific about the amount and the date by which you want to start having this money in your life. Only when you focus on the specifics of this energy does it really begin to move through you. The beginning of the mantra is easy: “I choose to easily attract to me a minimum of X dollars a month by Y date.”
Next, it’s important to write down where the money will be spent. You have to know where every penny of that dollar amount is going to go because money loves to have a purpose. Through doing this, you will learn to pay attention to the energy flow of money. You can’t just say you need $10,000. You need to know why you need it—such as $4,000 on rent and bills, $1,000 on food, $500 for your car, $500 on shopping or a weekend getaway.
Don’t only focus on your basic needs, but also add your deepest desires as well. Add $1,000 for a vacation, $400 for weekly massages or spa treatments, $500 a month to donate to a charity or cause you are passionate about, or whatever else makes your heart sing. Add in money for the tasks you need to delegate, like a nanny, a financial advisor, and a gardener. Money flows where there’s a true desire, so make sure the desires are authentic and really light you up.
Once you’ve recorded your projected expenditures, it’s important to determine the ways in which you will receive that money. Add a statement to your mantra that says something like, “I am receiving this money by building my business, taking on new clients, seizing new investment opportunities, and receiving money from unexpected sources.” If you can be specific, that’s even better.
Finally, add an affirmation: “My faith is so strong that this money will be in my possession. I can now see it with my eyes and touch it with my hands. (Print out a money symbol and look at it, touch it, and woo it.) It is now awaiting transfer to me in the proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it!”
Why Does It Work?
A mantra helps you investigate your beliefs about money and change the ones that aren’t serving you. I know I make it sound easy, but this takes practice. You can’t just say, “I can have as much money as I desire.” You have to believe those words.
State your money mantra with power and passion, believing that you have the money now. This is a daily practice. This will result in your subconscious mind believing that they are true. In her book Feel Free to Prosper, Marilyn Jenett says that the conscious mind and the subconscious mind must agree in order for the desire to manifest. Doing the daily inner work around money is like impregnating the subconscious. Your subconscious and conscious will slowly come together.
The money mantra formula above lists specific amounts, and that’s because the key is to get specific. Part of building this mantra is to help you envision what your desires and goals truly are.
How much money are you choosing to make each month? A great place to start is to double your current income and then double it again. What if this was your new normal? If you had this much money coming in every month consistently, what would you be doing?
Of course, during the first month you might choose to lay on the beach all day and refill your cup (in more ways than one), but we can only luxuriate on vacation for so long. True joy comes from giving our gifts in service to others. If you were making this much money, what actions would you take? How would you be more generous? What would be different in your life?
A money mantra isn’t just a key to financial well-being. It can even unlock your hidden desires for other areas of your life.
Decide that Money Can Be Easy
The people who will succeed are the ones who take the time to write those questions down, journal the answers as if they are true now, and do this with consistency. We so often know what to do to get where we want to be, but don’t actually make those steps nonnegotiable and do what it takes.
Creating my money mantra has been a total game changer. It has changed my life to make the decision that I will always have more than enough money to live my most extraordinary life.
And remember, this is a decision. Decide right now that you are the person who shows up in a way that inspires people to be around you. Decide that money can be easy. Decide that you will never struggle again in regard to money. if there is not enough energy moving through you to make these decisions—go do something now that will light your fire and get you ready to create a money mantra that will change your life.
For more advice on financial well-being, you can find Network Marketing Queen on Amazon.
Dr. Erin Pollinger has been a chiropractor since 1999 and is a life coach supporting women around physical and financial freedom. She leads workshops on Feminine Powered Leadership and hosts international retreats at her center in Costa Rica. Dr. Erin is currently the lead female earner and third top earner in her network marketing company, with no previous experience in the industry. She is also the mother to her beautiful daughter, Willow. Dr. Erin’s passion is supporting women to reclaim their most energized relationships with their bodies, money, and life itself. Network Marketing Queen is her first book.