Create a Membership Benefits Program For Your Nonprofit
Create a Membership Benefits Program for Your Nonprofit
Bryce Sanders, President
Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.
Is your nonprofit having problems adding new members?? Are you experiencing significant drop off when membership renewal notices go out?? People should donate to nonprofits to support your noble mission.? Sometimes, you need some personal benefits to sweeten the deal.
If you are familiar with Medicare supplemental insurance plans, you know they usually provide certain forms of coverage required by law.? There are often other benefits. The pricing for these plans can vary considerably.? Years ago, I asked a friend who worked in the industry why there could be price variation.? He mentioned different plans offer different additional benefits.? The cost to the insurance company to provide these benefits might be the same, yet members of the public might value some benefits more than others based on their situation and interests.??
This lesson transfers into the realm of nonprofit organizations and the benefits associated with membership of your organization.? These benefits might cost little or nothing to provide, yet they represent a value to the person considering membership or the member deciding if they are going to renew.
Let us consider several types of benefits that can be provided at little or no cost:
1.????? Membership cards.? This has a cost, but it is a tangible form of identification.? You have heard the expression “a card-carrying member.”? It’s a way one member can “prove” to another they also belong to a certain organization.? The card is also useful if proof of membership is required to access benefits.
2.????? Publish a list of members.? Many people love seeing their name on a list.? They can identify with other, possibly more influential names on the same list. This might be a list accessed on the website.? It might be a published directory in booklet format.? It could be a full page ad you run occasionally in the local newspaper.? You might give members the choice to opt out.? People like seeing their name in print.
3.????? Free access to the facility.? This is ideal for museums and organizations with a brick-and-mortar HQ.? They are encouraged to visit.? This can be great when they have visitors in town and need low or no cost activities!? The more often they visit, the stronger the bond grows with your organization.
4.????? Produce a newsletter. This supports a sense of belonging.? Your organization might not have a physical location.? In circumstances like a women’s shelter, the location must be kept secret.? Regardless of the situation, your members support a worthy cause, but there isn’t a place they can visit anytime.? A newsletter keeps them connected.? It might be in print.? It might be distributed by e-mail.? You can “touch” members with your newsletter on a regular basis.? You should be able to track who is/is not opening them.
5.????? The magnetic car decal.? Our organization gives one away with your membership.? It is another way of showing your affiliation, but it also serves a practical purpose.? Have you noticed most SUVs look alike?? Have you had difficulty finding your car in a parking lot?? The decal makes your car easier to find.
6.????? Discounts with local merchants.? Personally, I like restaurant discounts the best.? This benefits local businesses and provides a benefit with a cash value to members of your organization.? 10% off the restaurant check is not a big request.? Because restaurants might be bust for dinner at the weekend and business is slow Tuesday through Thursday, they can design their discount to bring people in at slow times of the week.? Offering discounts at several local restaurants suddenly adds an additional benefit to membership.
7.????? Exchange privileges with similar organizations.? If you are a historical society, you are not going to seek reciprocal visiting privileges with the historical society in the next town.? The person considering joining two now needs to join only one.? You might pick some distant locations that are also tourist attractions, get in touch and ask if they would be interested is reciprocal visiting privileges.? It’s a benefit useful for both organizations.? People start to think about visiting the other city to take advantage of the benefit.
8.????? Meet and greet on the premises.? Everyone loves a free party.? One local organization would hold a quarterly wine and cheese event at their location.? Members get to meet or revisit other members.? It is an ideal opportunity to being in guests, showing off the organization and the friendliness of your members.
9.????? Discounts to events you organize.? Let us assume you hold an annual gala.? Tickets are $250/head and $225 for members.? This benefit encourages members to attend.? People who would be coming anyway realize there is a $50/couple savings if they join as members beforehand.? Cash savings is associated with membership.
10.? Organize lecture series.? Years ago, lectures required a room, food and technical support.? Today, lectures can be done by video, accessible on your device wherever you are located.? If your cause is also a repository of knowledge of local interest, holding live or virtual lectures is a good way to get people involved.? The schedule of lectures is promoted as a benefit.? There is usually no cost.
11.? Member only events.? I am a big fan of “the free party.”? Not all members come from the same economic background.? Some members can only afford the basic membership.? They should get a free event to attend.? The organization either covers the cost of beverages and snacks or they get donations from well heeled members.? There might be a $300/head gala and a $125/head summer BBQ, but everyone is invited to attend the free member event.? It might be termed “member recognition” or “member appreciation.”
Most organizations can put together an attractive suite of benefits representing value to members and potential members.? The cost to the organization is often minimal.
Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.? He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry.? His book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on Amazon.
Elementary School Teacher
8 个月Thank you, Bryce for this article. I had a board meeting with friends of Island Beach State Park and presented some of these ideas. We are working to revamp our membership program again thanks for your help.
Project Manager at Jade Associates
8 个月Wonderful ideas. I shall encourage my organization to implement a number of these.
Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor NMLS#638989
8 个月As usual, great article, Bryce! You are such a wealth of knowledge!! Thank you!