Create Meaning Through Self-Care
At TC&A we want you to feel GOOD.
We want you to feel BETTER, even more than you even think is possible.
We want you to sustain your ENERGY and prevent burnout, while doing the work you love and creating the life that is the most meaningful to you.
So, you may be wondering how do I achieve the “feeling GOOD and BETTER,” while sustaining my ENERGY and remain effective and productive? You may be thinking, “I have so much to do, I can’t possibly fit in another task or commit to one more thing.”
We encourage you with two words. SELF-CARE.
Self-care has undoubtedly been a buzz word this last year. At TC&A, we know first-hand and are 100% certain that self-care is effective, sustainable and transformative.
And what if I told you, self-care doesn’t HAVE to be overwhelming and hard? It’s probable, you will even... ENJOY IT!
“Don’t underestimate the power of a walk. Breaking up your day by going outside can boost your mood, brainpower and creativity.”
- Harvard Business Review
You know what is really hard? Pouring all of your energy out to your family, your work and your friends' day after day without consciously and intentionally filling your own cup back up. Self-care is foundational for everything you want to achieve in work and life and it can be just as simple as taking a walk around the block!
Now you may have tried to implement the latest self-care suggestion from social medial or trends you receive in a newsletter, but that’s where I’m going to have you press pause. While there are no “rules” to self-care, there is one step that must be implemented in order for you to create sustainable, enjoyable habits within your self-care routine.
It’s your opportunity to turn inward and seek out what is going to feel best for YOU. Last month, Tess wrote about her self-awareness, in no longer seeking fulfillment externally. The same goes for self-care. When you slow down and take the time to understand what fulfills you from the inside – out, you will find the time to care for yourself.
I know this to be true in my own life experience. When I burnt out to my core back in 2016 after running operations in hotels for a decade, I had to go on a deep inward journey in order to understand how to create new energy for myself. For me, it took taking a 180-degree turn. I moved to the suburbs where I could watch a beautiful sunset and moonrise every day. I enjoyed long walks and noticed all of the details of nature around me. I changed my eating habits, journaled, and embraced much needed and restful, sleep.
I’m not saying you need to change your life as drastically as I did to implement self-care. Remember, I said it doesn’t have to be hard! In fact, when you focus on 1% improvements at a time, everything becomes approachable.
So what does this mean for you? It means, you may want to do more of the following:
Slow down
Explore more
Learn something new
Feel (yes, it is okay to feel deeply)
Cultivate your curiosity
Affirm your own authenticity
Realize realistic expectations
Experience what is meaningful to you
The self-care acronym above is intended to be a blueprint for you to explore the self-care practices that are the most meaningful to you. (Download the attached exercise for further guidance).
Creating meaning through self-care may include waking up 10-minutes earlier or staying up 10 minutes later to have quiet time to write out your intentions or goals. It may mean exercising on your lunch break, or going on a walk around the block. It could even be as simple as lighting your favorite candle or drinking sparkling water from a goblet, two of Tess’s favorites! Like I said, self-care doesn’t have to be hard! Focus on the 1% improvements you can make to feel good!
You may need to set boundaries with co-workers or family members so they know you are carving out time for you to focus on yourself. When you do choose to take the time and focus on you, you will have even MORE energy to give to everyone in your life. Everyone will benefit from your self-care routines.
So, commit to yourself. Find the self-care practices that work for you and even have fun trying different activities, we trust your energy will not only be renewed but sustained! As always, we are happy to be a resource to you if you need further guidance in your practice.
For further support contact [email protected]
Million £ Masterplan Coach | Helping Established Small Businesses (over £200K+) Grow & Scale To Either Expand or Exit Using the 9-Step Masterplan Programme | UK #1 Business Growth Specialists
3 年Thanks for sharing Tess!
4 年Very timely reminder on the importance of taking care of ones self!