Create Magnificent meetings
Ravi Ramamurthy
Trustee, Aashwasan Foundation and Chief Innovator, Vice Chairman Epiance
We go to a meeting with a mindset, preset notions and a plan on how to conduct the meeting. The story we carry in our head enacts and manifests in reality. We are therefore not allowing nature to play its role, instead our collective mindsets and preset notions/expectations are playing out their games. What we encounter as a result is suboptimal solutions, dashed expectations, unfruitful meetings and magnified ego clashes.
What if we can go to a meeting, a presentation or any important event with an absolute clean slate? What if we do not set any expectation for the outcome, but go only with the resolve that we will put in our best and allow nature to unfold its reality? What if we respond to any questions, suggestions or response not at a superficial level? What if go deeper and try to find out the cause of what was uttered and try to address the deeper concern? What if we are completely oblivious of ourselves but set our razor-sharp focus on the environment, the people around us? What if we are equanimous about the outcome? What if our main goal is to have a great time and nothing else?
An empty canvas invites infinite possibilities. It impels creation of a magnificent piece of art. The less we try to consciously do, the more we achieve in life. Most often we come in the way of ourselves by overthinking, over planning, and running too many scenarios in our head. As a result, we ignore the real moments which unfold in front of us and miss out on the beautiful experiences that are waiting for us. Oftentimes our actions inject cacophony into a grandiloquent orchestra that was waiting to happen.
Let us try to get out of the way of ourselves. There is no need to think or work too hard. Grace, flow, effortlessness are signs that you have the power of the universe with you. Being with a blank slate of mind allows you to harness the complete potential within oneself and hence respond in the best possible manner. Anxiety and frustration raise their heads when we are fixated with the outcome rather than the process. If we can refocus our attention to the process and ignore the outcome, our efficiency can be enhanced multifold.