Create An Evening Routine To Set You Up For Success Tomorrow!
Carla Louise Fedigan RN, WHNP-BC
Registered Nurse | Health and Wellness Coach | Global Internet Entrepreneur
I am a firm believer in routines to create a healthy lifestyle. ??Healthy habits lead to a healthy lifestyle!? ?And, as we’ve all read these days there are many articles that focus on the morning routine.? You know, get up at the same time every day, drink water, do your journaling and gratitude practice and get your workout in before you even touch your cell phone.? All hands off that cell phone!
In a perfect world that is great, but I remember the days of awakening to the local traffic report and holding my breath to see if there was an accident on my hour 6AM commute or a text that a coworker wasn’t coming in.? I’m not in that crazy world anymore and my AM routine is great but far from perfect.? Progress over perfection!
When I recently read an article about setting up an evening routine to help with productivity and my happiness, I was taken back to the days of getting kids ready for bed, setting up the breakfast routine, finishing laundry, putting dishes up, laying my uniform out, setting the alarm, and finally literally falling into bed an hour later only to start organizing and stressing about the next day!?
I’m sure every mom out there can relate to this meme!
As wonderful as we would like our evenings to be, don’t give up because they can’t be perfect.? Here are a few things you can add, even if just one or two that will make you more productive and happier.
1.????? Take a moment to reflect on your day
2.????? Take a moment to look ahead at the next day. ?This preplanning will help reduce the early AM stress and allow you to sleep without worry. ?Organize your day ahead.? Shuffle task reminders around so then blend well with the rest of the day.
3.????? Keeping a schedule
4.????? Be sure to keep your daily exercise appointments.? This will actually help relieve stress and help you unwind
5.????? Do some stretching exercises before bedtime.
6.????? Diminish your screen time.? Screentime before bed can be detrimental to your overall quality of sleep and your productivity.? Poor sleep leads to poor performance the next day!?
7.????? Read before bed instead of looking at your phone.? It is so hard to not check for that last text message or reply from someone!? You will find a huge difference in your sleep between bouncing back and forth in screens on your? phone and just reading for 30 minutes before bed.? Give it a try!
8.????? Consider having a nightly herbal detox beverage.? I have one full of plant adaptogens, botanicals, vitamins, trace minerals, and phytonutrients such as turmeric, licorice root and bilberry aloe vera and peppermint.
9.????? Think about sleep quality and quantity of your sleep.? Adjust the lighting and temperature so you sleep comfortably. Ditch the notion that you don’t need sleep.? We all need sleep to rest and repair our bodies.
10.?? Make sure that your nutrition is on point, and you are creating healthy nutritional habits
In closing, I know we all have crazy lives with kids, families, crazy work hours and what not.? It would be wonderful to incorporate all of these habits into your evening routine.? But, ?just because you can’t do them all doesn’t mean you should not try a few of them.? Some you may be already doing!? Add one or two things and they will become part of your routine in a few weeks! Over time, you’ll see an increase in your daily productivity
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