Create a Distraction-Free Zone
As you have been reading along each month, you are gaining skills in route to becoming a prospecting master. This month I’ve got another great tip to set you up for success, and it’s something that every single one of us needs to be doing. But first, let me paint you a picture: you get to your desk in the office or at home, you’re ready to prospect & build your business and suddenly there are fires coming at you from all angles – emails, kids, personal calls, spouses, business partners, assistants – and everything just goes to *beep* quickly. And it pains you because you end up not getting to any business development during the day.
Sound familiar? Ever been there? How often does this happen to you? Where so much comes at you that you’re too distracted, and you never get to your prospecting time? It’s not a good way to start or have happen in your day.
But don’t worry, here’s a potential solution for you: create a distraction free zone. You need to create it for both your work and home life. And this is so doable, so if you’re feeling some inner resistance to it –?that inner voice saying, “oh no, I’ve tried that, this doesn’t work for me” – stop saying that to yourself and let’s do something about it. We all should be making calls every single day for 1 hour, 2 hours, or whatever our plan is, and we know we’ve got to do them, but to get them done we’ve got to be distraction free.
Let me tell you how to design this, starting with three easy steps…
Step one: turn off your email notifications. This step is so big. You know what I’m talking about, right? It’s that little box that pops up on the bottom right side of your computer that tells you that you have a new email…BOOO! And the dang sound (Bing!) that comes with it, UGH!! Turn that thing off! Every time it pops up your attention goes right to it, and if you open that email, and if it’s something you weren’t ready for or didn’t need to see at that moment, your focus and time is gone. Right now, go into your email settings and literally Turn. It. Off. You’ll thank me for this.
Step two: tell your family and friends about your Golden Hours, which are your Prospecting Power Hours. Let everyone in your life know about them. Everyone in my life knows when my times are, and they know not to call me. This is my time to build the business. It’s a great way to create a distraction-free zone because you literally train them when to not call you. It works with proper planning on your part and then letting the people in your life know when these times are.
Step three: close your door. And then put a sign on your door (at the office or at home) so people know you mean business: “Golden Hour in progress…Do not disturb! That means you!”… literally put it on your door so people know not to knock.
During my prospecting hours, distractions are not able to come up with this. No fires, no email, nothing.
I actually sometimes disconnect my email – and sometimes my entire computer – from the internet so I can focus. Try all this yourself, so good!
Remember: you are in control of your time. Stop being reactionary with your schedule and random stuff that comes at you. Your family, team and co-workers will figure things out on their own and they will solve their own problems if you are 100% focused with your time and not sacrificing it to them. And you know what? When you’re that focused, you’re going to get things done quicker. You’re actually going to set more appointments in shorter amounts of time. And it all starts with creating a distraction free zone in your world. Thanks again for reading, and see you all here again next month! :)
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