Create a Community
Giriraj Panpaliya
Thinker in Chief @ Echo Education & Consultancy I teach businesses and freelancers how to craft a successful performance marketing strategy and scale it to 3x ROAS per month through a 1-1 mentorship program. Link Below??
As a digital agency, you are going to focus on providing services to a specific niche. You are going to take them from the current state to the desired state.
But before you can create your offer, you need a clear understanding of your prospect's pain points.
Clients will pay you for a solution but before paying you, they would want to know if you have the solution. And the best way to showcase your authority and capability is through your content.
Your clients will pay you attention first. If you have content that is related to the solution they are looking for, they will pay attention, and that attention builds trust.
What Kind of Content to Create?
We already talked about how personal branding, positioning, and content creation are important to get people's attention.
First, we have to understand that content that we create is not a creative type of content. We are not in the entertainment niche where we create movies, music, or standup comedy.
When I say "Content", the type of content that I am referring to is content that gets attention and can be converted into trust and transaction. (The CATT Funnel).
This type of content is almost always, the answer to the questions that people have in their minds.
But how can we find out what questions people have in their minds? For that, we need a community.
When you create a community and get the members to open up, there will be a gold mine of information and market insights that will form inside the community.
You can feed people into this community through your lead generation (which we will talk about in future lessons).
The community can be something as simple as a Facebook group. Add members to this community from your personal and professional network.
Once you have at least 50 people in the community, trigger conversations within the community. Ask people to ask any questions they might have inside the community. And take time answering them.
In the future, we can make this community larger by adding members to our email list, but to start with, 50-100 members should be more than enough.
You can also create a custom cover image for the group.
For example, let's assume that you are helping gym trainers to get more clients through digital marketing.
Your group can be named "Gym growth mastermind". This is just to indicate that this group is for the people who want to grow their gyms and the revenue of their gyms.
You will have existing gym owners and wanna-be gym owners join this group. They might have questions like "how to get more customers through digital marketing".
Note that, we do not know for 100% sure what questions they might have. That's why we created the community in the first place.
Once you start seeing the same question get repeated over and over again, you can start creating content around it instead of having to answer the question yourself every time.
Let's say you publish an article on your blog titled "Top 7 ways to get customers via digital marketing for gyms". Now, this becomes a pillar article on your blog which can be referred back to over and over again whenever people have that question.
You can connect with people directly and send them this piece of content. Whenever people ask this question in the community, you can reply with a short answer and ask them to check out the blog post. This will drive traffic to your blog and you can start getting more leads from the blog as well.
Having a community also helps you understand who your target customers are. I recommend creating a Facebook group because you can see the profiles of the members within the group. You can ethically "stalk" their profiles and see who they are and what they do.
When you have a clear idea of the target customer, your copy across all the marketing channels will improve tremendously.
If you are finding these emails useful that's because I have a fair idea about who you are and what you do. When I say "you" doesn't mean exactly you, but someone like you who wants to start a digital agency. That's one of the reasons why you feel like I am talking to you directly.
In future lessons, we will do a deep dive into how to create customer avatars and their importance of it. But to create customer avatars, you need a community first.
Without a community, you will not be able to ignite conversations. Without conversations, people will not gather. Without people, there is no marketing.
So go ahead and build that community
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