We create our lives.
We fashion our experiences.
Each and every day.
We create what we see in the world, through who we are BEING.
What does that even mean?
It means we create our enemies. We create who we love. We create how we feel and the results we will always get.
As Dumbledore explained to Harry, in the most profound conversation in the Harry Potter series, Voldemort created Harry as his biggest threat, by marking him as the problem.
We create our enemies by the thoughts we have about that person, thereby we react and respond and treat them a certain way, which only leaves them one way to respond.
We create 'unlucky' situations in our lives by showing up in a way where we ask all unluckiness to befall upon us. If my attitude is 'oh, man there BETTER not be bad weather today',as opposed to embracing and loving whatever IS and will be, I'm most likely going to find some way to see that the weather ISN'T to my liking. Not because I can magically 'make' rain, but because I am always looking for the worst.
We create awkward situations when we go into a situation saying, 'Oh, no, this is going to be awkward.' Like when I mess up a joke and it falls flat. I can say, 'Oh goodness. I messed this up. Oh, dear. What do I say now? This is embarrassing. Now there's this awkward silence.' OR I can say, "Haha! I just realized I messed up this whole joke! Goodness, maybe I need a new profession! Oh well, someone else wanna give it a try?"
Nothing is awkward unless I create it to be. Nothing is bad unless I create it to be. No one is harming me in any way unless I CREATE them to be. If I am always looking over my shoulder seeing who's out to get me, I will find fault in everything ANYONE does and take it to mean they are attacking me. And I might attack back, not realizing that I actually attacked first. And now THEY have someone attacking them. What SHOULD they do?
I have seen this time and time and time again PERSONALLY, where people will respond to me how I am being and how I am showing up. If I don't view myself in a way where people should treat me differently, then I have no stories about being different when people treat me how they do. There are no stories around it. People CAN'T treat us any other way then the person we are BEING.
We have the infinite ability to create, why not create what we DO want in our lives? Why not show up in a way that has people WANT to engage with us positively? Why not make every 'mistake' into a masterpiece?