Create an Assembly Line of New Leadership
Johnny Walker
My time being a blue-collar family member and worker has taught me to work with less and expect more. I will always strive for excellence and encourage everyone’s inner greatness.
What happens if you get hit by a bus tomorrow? Will everything carry on, or will it fall apart? If you work somewhere, the odds are likely that nothing will stop. If you have a lot of responsibilities or you're in charge of something, things may not stop, but they may seriously be diminished if something happens to you. So, the best way to prevent stagnation or no innovation is to create an assembly line of new leadership.
There are many contributing factors to what you do at your workplace or are in charge of. Something may change in a split second, forcing everyone to pivot. This may be detrimental if you are not prepared. However, the best way to prepare is to have a plan and an assembly line for people who can take over. There are probably many people that surround you who want to become leaders or do not even know that they are leaders yet. If you do not embrace and mentor these people, eventually, they will leave. Not everything is a contest to show how much you can do. It is a long-lasting lifestyle of what impact you can make.?One of the biggest impacts that you can make is taking all your knowledge and leadership abilities to help create and mentor future leaders in our future.?You need to remember that nothing happened overnight, and everyone started somewhere. So, it would be most beneficial to help everyone along the way so we can all benefit.
Well, that's my spiel for today…
#LaborRecipes #leadership #management