create an ansible module in bash
Nickollas C.
DevOps Linux, AWS, Ansible, Terraform, Docker, SaltStack, Bash/Shell Script (remote job only)
create the?library?directory and the ansible?module
mkdir library ; cat > library/ <<'EOF'
# get ip connected to default gateway
ip=$( ip route | awk '/^default/ { print $5 }' | xargs ip -4 address show | awk '/inet / { print $2 }' | cut -d/ -f1 )
test -s $ip && echo "{ \"failed\": true, \"erro\": \"IP not found! }" || echo "{ \"ip\": \"$ip\" }"
test module using ansible?ad hoc?command
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=./library ansible localhost -m get_ip_default_gw
test module using ansible playbook
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=./library ansible-playbook -c local /dev/stdin <<EOF
- hosts: localhost
??gather_facts: no
??- name: 'get ip connected to default gateway'
????register: result
??- debug:
??????var: result.ip