A Crazy Time To Be Alive
It is a crazy time to be alive.??We have economic uncertainty, threats of war, political violence, and social turmoil.??An assassin nearly took President Trump’s life.??Puppet President Biden has been recycled for a younger model.??The Olympic Games openly mocks Christianity and celebrates transvestitism.??The EU, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, and the U.S. are all tiptoeing toward a little nuclear?tête-à-tête.??Apprehension saturates the air.
Still, if you were a time-traveler from the future surveying the world as it unfolds today, you might whisper, “What an?amazing?time to be alive.”??That is a luxury that those who look back through history often enjoy.??Those living through chaos rarely write about trying times as marvelous adventures.??They are too busy struggling to survive.??
I do not wish to minimize the struggles that we will continue to experience, but I do want to take a small step back and recognize this moment for what it is: a hinge on the door of history opening up a new era for humanity.??The hallway we’ve been walking down for many decades has come to an end.??The door before us is shaking loudly as we fight for what reality will take shape on the other side.??Our situation is perilous and consequential.??
Future generations — buttressed by a misguided belief that their world was always foreordained — will dream about having been alive in our time, just as many of us have contemplated what it would have been like to fight in the trenches of WWI, endure the volatile interwar period, or beat back totalitarianism in the mid-twentieth century.??Ours is not an easy time...but it is one ripe with significance.
Is this a contest between communism and capitalism???Is it a war between West and East???Is it a clash of civilizations, cultures, religions, and traditional beliefs???It is all of that and more.??At its heart, the revolution that is picking up speed throughout the world centers on one essential conflict:?state supremacy versus individual freedom.??
The war that has already begun is the mechanism for answering a straightforward question: how much liberty will each of us be “allowed” to possess, and how much control will governments maintain over their respective populations???As with all wars, this one concerns the exercise and retention of power.??Somewhat uniquely, however, our war will decide whether we individual humans are ultimately sovereign arbiters over the direction of our personal lives, or whether we are disposable cogs in an all-powerful government machine.
By J.B. Shurk
Yes, Interesting Times we live in indeed. I encourage all of you to begin journalling this time and record on paper what unfolds and maybe one day shed light on the changes for good or bad that come through the door of change. I found this piece by J.B. Shurk very interesting to read and while I don’t agree with everything he says. The sentiment he conveys is the reality many feel. The Fourth Turning, of the age of AI, or the change to a Global Order. So I tell clients to put their financial house in order to be ready to embrace or repel what comes through the doors of change. I speak with people on a daily basis who are struggling just to get by and everyone feels the shaking of the door in their gut. What lies ahead? How am I going to make it? What should I be doing? Emotionally, it is critical to stop and write out where you are to leave mental and physical markers to read and remember as a trail for the days ahead will blur and the event unfold. Our personal liberty to choose a path and the freedom to win big or fail utterly is being lost more and more the system wants people to have X and never Y you can have a retirement but it will look like everyone else or you can have nothing, like many in retirement that only had a dream but never a plan. Your future is what you make of it. Stop following the herd and start thinking for yourself and what is best for you not the collective. Otherwise, you will have nothing and no one to blame.
For outside thinking and a diverse solutions team contact us and let us see how we can help your goals come true.
Peter DeRosa [email protected]