That "Crazy Bastard"...(Me)
J. Michael T.
Greetings! I'm J. Michael Thrasher, a NC-based IT Professional. My primary focus is on private projects, but I also accept select freelance. I can help aquire domain names on your behalf. Contact me: (919) 771-9661
Wait,What? Oh... That guy....yeah, he's all over the place.
That's the effect I have on people. I'm The Guy, better known as "That Crazy Bastard" who always asks others to gently change "how we have always done something" to fit a new way for his network called "TheFUN"?
Could it work? Maybe.. Will it cost much to find out..not really, but we have always done it that way. Who is he to ask me to change my set ways? I'm That Guy. The one who has spent 14 years and $250,000+ building a system to protect your children when everything else is failing.
Politicians play games for votes, never caring about the impact, just votes. Well, I don't care about votes. We have work to do,..and I am gonna sell diapers, condoms, razors, cola, food, parts, LED Offroad lights, boat covers, pet products and Ammo... if it's legal, I will sell it.
It all starts with the flagship for TheFUN? Entertainment Platform (STEM with NASA Servers Connected Under the Hood, no shit).
Then 1,000,000,000+ membership deals and benefits can be found on TheFUNPass? on
Right around then, I knew I would need a way to pay for it all so I built to sell what you already buy everyday. That is going ok, but now, I need TheFUN? LLC ( My Legal Company Name) to carry it's own brands. TheFUN? Brands. was first, Then, then many more and growing. Today, TheFUN? Cola?. So keep up with this crazy bastard... It's gonna work. It's so diversified any 10+ things can fail and not impact the mission.
We get 1 shot at life... Make it count. TheFUN?isON!
Michael (That Crazy Bastard).
How it all started....with advice from a frog.