Crashing the Party: A Look at Ambush Marketing
Suppose you have thrown a party to show off your new BMW 5 series sedan. You have invited your friends and colleagues to announce your status upliftment. Everything is going well, suddenly one of your friends arrives at the party in a brand new Lamborghini Huracan. BMW's are great but can't beat the attraction of the hypersport personality of a Lambo. So, here is what happens next, the Lambo and your friends grab all your attention, and the hot chick you have been eyeing since the start of the evening. You are left with bills only. Sad. But it's actually a business trick, fashionably named Ambush Marketing.??
Imagine a brand cleverly maneuvering its way into the spotlight of a huge event, without actually paying the hefty sponsorship fees. That's the essence of ambush marketing. Brands leverage the excitement and audience of major events to promote themselves, often creating the illusion of an official partnership.
Types of Ambush Marketing:
Interesting? I know it is. And that's why a full coverage on Ambush Marketing is here for your reading. Follow the link: