A CRASH course in APPRECIATION ... !
...even if a virus now lets many familiar things appear in a new light, we must not delude ourselves: Even before, we have secretly recognized many of our "achievements" of the past decades as "not thought through"!
But we have not changed anything!
In the "normal" times we did not want to "hurt" anyone, accepted a short-term view - and certainly did not want to risk anything!
We have given ourselves the excuse that our acting is "without alternative" and have always mutually reinforced us to hold on to it!
That's over now!
And so the crisis really is also an opportunity: to a new form of appreciation!
But we have not yet reached the point where we already have a clear perspective on what form of new future we want!
This will still take some time ... time in which we can and must listen to each other, communicate with each other, discuss and argue!
It is now the time to finally think together - without the barriers of the "old everyday life" - and to reinvent our new form of living together!
We have now - as a society - the unique opportunity to regain the appreciative responsibility for our future!
Let us become unstoppable and start - together, with confidence and responsibility - to create our best future ... ! ??
Your Samu Root - With emotion & reason unstoppable for the best future ... !
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