Cranberries Unleashed: Exploring Their Health Potentials

Cranberries Unleashed: Exploring Their Health Potentials

Who knew that these sour-tasting, innocuous-looking berries could have more antioxidant power than diet food giants like apples, broccoli, and spinach??Cranberries are a superfood because they have a high nutrient content, a wide range of health benefits, and minimal calories.?Would you believe that half a cup of cranberries only contains 25 calories?

Vaccinium oxycoccos is a native of North America. Vaccinium macrocarpon and Vaccinium miccarpum are the botanical names.

The Ayurvedic term for it is “Karamarda”.

The Phytochemical Meaning of Cranberry

Cranberry is a small fruit that packs a powerful punch in terms of bioactive components.?It contains plant chemicals such as anthocyanins, sianidins, peonidins, quercitins, tannins, phenolic acids like salicylic and Vitamin C, and many others.

This is also a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. It contains magnesium, potassium, zinc, and vitamins B6, E, and K.

Traditional Benefits of Cranberry

In addition to being widely used in drinks, baked goods, salads, etc., cranberries are also popularly used as dyes for blankets and clothing.?The traditional forms of medicine have also recommended cranberry because of its many health benefits.

Benefits of cranberry health include:

  1. How to maintain a healthy excretory organ system
  2. Maintaining a healthy digestive system and protecting the mucosal lining of the intestine
  3. Detoxifying the body and flushing out toxins
  4. Immune system regulation and boost
  5. Improve circulation and cardiac function
  6. Maintaining oral health and protecting it

Clinical Researchers also Witness the Potential Therapeutic Effects of Cranberry

Various studies have been done to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of Cranberry. Growing research has led to the possibility that cranberry can be used in the management of several medical conditions affecting the kidneys, the respiratory system, the urinary tract, and the heart.?Researchers have highlighted the benefits of cranberry in treating stomach disorders, diabetes, cancer, and gum disease caused by dental plaque.

Some of the studies conducted include:

  1. Urinary Tract Infections: Studies suggest that regular intake of cranberry juice may protect the urinary tract and reduce recurrent infections. [1,?2]
  2. Kidney Stones: Studies also suggest that cranberry juice may prevent the formation of renal calculi, which will help improve kidney functioning and reduce kidney-related complaints. [3]
  3. Stomach disorders: A randomized double-blind clinical trial suggested that regular consumption of cranberry juice could suppress H. Pylori infections that are normally the cause of stomach disorders. [4]
  4. Cancer: In vitro and In vivo studies have highlighted cranberry’s benefits in inhibiting the growth and proliferation of tumor cells. [5]
  5. Cardiovascular Health:?Clinical evidence suggests that cranberry possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may assist in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing the resistance of LDL to oxidation, inhibiting platelet aggregation, and reducing blood pressure. [6]

Since Biogetica aims to provide solutions that work holistically, it researches all possible ingredients and combines the best, so that they work synergistically for results that are beyond any single medical tradition.?We have included cranberry in several of our formulations with other powerful and efficient natural ingredients so that you can witness the glory of Nature’s healing powers.

To know more about cranberry, purchase our cranberry-inclusive products, get any health-related concern addressed, or get personalized recommendations please consult with our doctors available round the clock at?!

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