Cramps & shin splints : what to do when running hurts?
It has mostly happened with lots of runners because of water-loss. There are some points we need to take care in running. It is coming from my personal running experience.
1. Always start with a good warm-up.
2. Drink plenty of water means stay hydrated.
3. Proper leg stretching.
4. If going to run long then have some electrolytes.
5. Do not eat food before 15-20 before running.
Above points help you to not get cramps while you are running.
- Shin splints:
Shin splints usually occur in runners who've tried to push harder then its limits without strengthening of muscles.
What it is?
It is a shin bone related pain which attached to the knee and feet. We also call it medial tibial stress syndrome. When we run harder it will make a stress on our bones, muscle and tendons.
This stress makes an inflammation of the tendons, muscle or bone tissue.
You can diagnose by yourself by touching tibia bone edge or you can check with your Physio.
How to recover from Pain?
Simple and short answer would be R.I.C.E. technique.
- Rest
- Icing
- Compression
- Elevation
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