Craiosacral therapy
How does craniosacral therapy work?
Just like the heart rate in the case of the cardiovascular system, the craniosacral system has a rhythm that can be felt throughout the body, due to the production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (which has the role of feeding and eliminating toxins from the body). This is called craniosacral rhythm (hence the name of the therapy).
By perceiving the craniosacral pulse, the therapist can feel in which area of the body there are restrictions in this system, then applying gentle manual techniques to release them. The goal is to achieve a state of balance in the central nervous system. Cephalo-spinal fluid lubricates, nourishes and detoxifies the central nervous system. That is why, by helping to restore its freedom of movement in the membranes around the central nervous system, craniosacral therapy helps the body to restore a healthy operating environment. It can relieve a wide range of dysfunctions.