Crafting Prospect Management Meetings People Actually Want to Attend
We've all been there - the moment someone suggests scheduling a meeting, and everyone collectively groans. But why is that? The truth is, meetings themselves aren't the problem; it's bad meetings that give all meetings a bad reputation.
Let's dive into the common traits of bad prospect management meetings and how we can transform them into productive, engaging sessions that people actually want to attend.
The Common Culprits of Bad Meetings
The Cost of Meetings
Before we talk about solutions, let's consider the real cost of meetings. If you calculate the time spent in recurring meetings - weekly, monthly, or quarterly - you might be shocked. For instance, a weekly one-hour meeting with 10 people making $25/hour costs your organization $13,000 a year. That's a significant investment, and it doesn't even account for benefits and other overhead costs.
Creating Ideal Prospect Management Meetings
So, how do we transform our meetings from time-wasters to productive sessions? Here are some key elements of an ideal meeting:
Types of Effective Meetings
Understanding the purpose of your meeting can help you structure it more effectively. Here are four common types of meetings:
Final Thoughts
Remember, your meeting agenda is like a blueprint - it guides the entire process. Share it in advance so participants can prepare and understand their roles.
By being mindful of the type of meeting you're holding, who needs to be there, and what you want to achieve, you can transform your meetings from dreaded time-wasters to productive, engaging sessions that actually move your work forward.
So, the next time you're about to schedule a meeting, pause and ask yourself: Is this necessary? Who really needs to be there? What do we want to achieve? Your colleagues (and your budget) will thank you.
For a deeper dive into the Giles Method for creating prospect management meetings that people actually want to attend, watch the replay of our Water Cooler Chat here .
Need personalized assistance in identifying gaps and overcoming obstacles in your prospect management program? Schedule a one-on-one coaching call today.